Land Ho!

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 I awoke abruptly to the sound of a squeal. " Five more minutes..." I grumbled. As I tried to ignore the sound and go back to sleep, my eyes immediately snapped open when I found myself getting hugged by none other than Sora. " You're okay, you're okay, you're okay!!" He squealed. " Can't...Can't breathe..." I was able to get out. He quickly let go, and I sucked in as much air as I could, coughing slightly. " I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" He questioned worriedly. " Yes, I'm fine." I chuckled. " Now come here you knumskull," I said, hugging him lightly. He embraced me back, this time not so roughly. " It's great to have you back again! I'm so glad you're awake." He exclaimed. " I'm glad to be back," I admitted.

" Come on!" He grabbed my hand yanking me to my feet. " Let's go grab something to eat! I'm starving!" He said. I nodded, standing up. I wobbled a bit, but I was already doing better than yesterday. " You good?" He questioned, turning from his spot in my doorway. " Yup! I've never felt better!" I said, walking up next to him. " Let's go!"

We ran into the dining area, and everyone who was there looked smacked jaw in my direction. " Uh....Hey guys." I said, blushing slightly as everyone looked at me. They all smiled brightly, welcoming me back. I smiled a bit out of embarrassment and happiness, walking towards the area I get my tray of food from. " Hey, you're awake! I was worried you wouldn't wake up until later, but I guess miracle happens when you least expect it." Jake walked up to me, patting me on the back. " Yeah. Hey, thanks for helping me. I heard what happened while I was out." I explained. " Oh, that, yeah. Well, it is my job. Nonetheless, it was no problem." He smiled. I grabbed my food from the table that had a spread of a variety of things to munch on, and I sat down next to James and Sora.

" So, please tell me we get to leave today!" I looked towards the captain, almost begging for him to say that we would set sail soon. " Yes, Orion. We shall be on our way out soon. After eating, you shall steer again. That's all I want you to do though can't have you fully working the day you're finally almost back on your feet." He ordered. " Aww, but-" " Nope. No buts. You shall only steer and mop today, and that's final." He said, taking a bite of his breakfast, which consisted of toast and cereal. " Fine...." I gave in, not having the energy to argue.

We sat in silence while eating, with the exception of my crew members coming over to see how I fared after the comma. We enjoyed each other's company and the food, and we were all kinda just lost in thought.

After about several minutes of silence, we all got to work. I stayed to help clean trays and dishes as the rest of the crew prepared the ship to set sail. By the time I finished helping Artemis, I walked out onto the deck. We had already begun to drift away from the port, and we had easily caught some wind. As I walked the steps of the area where the wheel was, I heard incoherent words coming out of the captain. Sora was also up there, questioning him. As they saw me, Sora turned to me. " Oh, hey Orion! I've got a question. Did that rude captain ever say anything about his ship name or his name?" I thought for a second. " No, I didn't actually," I said. " Well then, since you gave him a different map, we need to be on our guard. He could easily be near, and we don't want another run in. Alright? Here Orion, take the wheel." James let me take hold of the wheel. " Come Sora, I need to plan the route to the island, and I need your help charting that." The captain said.

" Got it!" Sora responded. " See you around, Orion." He saluted me before running off to the captain's side. I steered the ship, staying on course. " We should definitely be there before nightfall." I thought. It was smooth sailings for most of the day until a bit of rain moved through. It wasn't that bad, but it wasn't your average sprinkle. It was a bit of a downpour, but we all equipped ourselves with raincoats and we just moved on with the day.

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