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This chapter gets a little StEaMy ͜ʖ ͡•)
Also, I tried writing in 1st preceptive last chapter but I didn't really like it so most of these will be in 3rd pov

Eleven Jane Hopper was sitting on her bed, she missed Mike because she hasn't been able to see him in over 48 hours (Hopper wouldn't let her, much to El's disappointment) she missed him so much that she just needed to see him again. She took the blindfold which she kept under her bed for safekeeping and placed it over her eyes, focusing her mind.

Meanwhile, Mike missed El. He missed her a lot. So much that he was going to sneak out and visit her, but first, he smelled like shit so he went to take a shower. (y'all see where this is going) He removed his clothes and turned on the water. He quickly showered and stepped out.

El finally found Mike, she wasn't ready for what she saw though. She saw Mike stepping out of the shower, water droplets dripping from his naked frame. She wanted to stop. She wanted to take the blindfold off. But for some reason she couldn't look away. Her eyes trailed down and she had to cover her mouth. "Oh..." she muttered under her hand as completely new feelings surrounded her. Mike threw on some clothes and walked downstairs. El threw off the blindfold and lay her head back on her bed

Mike finally reached Hopper's cabin and did the secret knock El had taught him. She opened the door, when El saw mike he swore she became very flustered. He just shook it off and greeted El "hi El!" He smiled and pulled her in for a hug. El blushed and kissed Mike's chin, standing on her toes. Mike laughed and walked inside. He couldn't help but notice El's eyes trailing down his body but again, he just brushed it off.

About half an hour later, they were cuddled up on the couch watching tv and El finally confessed
"I saw something I shouldn't have"
Mike's eyebrows creased together in confusion "what did you see El?"
El was extremely red. Mike finally caught on "you didn't....see me taking a shower? D-did you?" He fumbles for words, his whole face beet red. El blushed "yes." Mike covered his face with his hands in embarrassment "shit"
"Mike?" She asked, still very red.
"I'm sorry"
Mike turned to El and enveloped her in a tight hug "it's alright El, you didn't mean too. Just don't do it again" she nodded in response.
"Mike?" She asked one last time
"I liked the view"

That ending fucking killed me 😂
~Sophie 🐾

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