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El couldn't see anything through the hot tears that stung her eyes. She ran into the girls bathroom and locked the door.
•10 minutes before•
Mike closed his locker and prepared to walk back to El's locker when he was slammed against the wall by none other than the local mouthbreather Troy. "Hey, frogface." He sneered and smacked his gum. Mike tried to escape Troy's death grip with no success.
"You and that pretty little thing still together?"
"Yes, why would you care?"
Mike tried again to escape but he only found himself pressed harder against the lockers. "Not for long" Troy smirked. He gave Mike one last kick in the shins and left. Mike shrugged off what he had said and ran to find El.

El was at her locker, she finished collecting the things she needed and turned around to find Mike at their regular meeting place. She was rudely interrupted by Troy who laughed "Hey pretty" El gave him a disgusted look. "Your boyfriend dropped this so I thought I'd be nice and give it to you because it had your name on it" Troy handed her a small and slightly crinkled piece of paper. El just furrowed her eyebrows in confusion on why Troy was stalking her boyfriend, but she just shrugged it off.
"No problem, call me later"
Troy walked away and El opened the note. It read
"Dear Jane,
I'm sorry but I'm breaking up with you.
I don't know why I ever loved you.
You're just an ugly girl with short hair, I don't know what I ever saw in you.
~Michael Wheeler"
El felt tears sting her eyes as she ran. She locked herself in an empty stall and cried. About 5 minutes later she heard a knock on the door and Max's voice said "you alright El?" El opened the door with her mind and Max brought her in for a hug. She explained everything to Max and Max went to go get Mike. She stomped down the hallway and found him. "You have 0.5 seconds to explain why El is crying in the bathroom because of you" she snapped at him. Mike looked shocked "what?! Why is she crying??" He ran to the bathroom and stood outside. He looked bewildered so Max finally coaxed El outside and Mike hugged her "El, what happened?" She handed the note to Mike and he read it. "El... that was Troy" El gasped "h-how do you know?" Mike explained everything that Troy said to him and El nodded "I'm sorry Mike! I had a feeling it wasn't you who wrote that"
"Promise you won't ever scare me like that again?"

The ending was a little rushed but oh well lol also I had to republish it so sorry
~Sophie 🐾

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