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This is some funny shit

Dustin, Lucas, Will, Mike, and El were all in the Wheeler household playing D&D, they soon got bored and just sat in a circle and chatted. "Truth or dare anyone?" Dustin suggested. They all nodded except El, who was sleeping. Mike also nodded "be right back, I'm going to the bathroom" he started to stand up at the same El jolted awake from a nightmare. She thrust her hand out to find Mike's for comfort but unfortunately for Mike who was standing up still, she hit him square in the crotch. Mike crumpled to the ground and screamed "SHIT!" Dustin, Lucas, Will, and Max burst out laughing. El, however, took this more seriously ran over to Mike "Mike! Are you okay??" Mike groaned and held his crotch "no" El looked frantic "Hopper always tells me to apply pressure to the wound?" Before Mike could stop her, El reached down and gently squeezed his crotch. Mike screamed and everyone burst into a fit of hysterical laughter. "El.. don't do that again" Mike groaned. El looked shocked still "o-okay" Mike sat up, feeling a bit better "sorry El, just be careful of that... area, for boys" She turned to Dustin "why?" Dustin blushed "uhhh it's our... er.. babymaker." He mumbled. "And it hurts if you hit us there... hurts a lot" he kicked Mike's crotch and he screamed in pain "WHAT THE FUCK DUSTIN?!" Mike screeched.
"Okay I understand now"
Mike got up, finally recovered and cuddled El
"Definitely don't do that again"

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