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One day in the Wheeler basement Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, El, and Mike were sitting in a circle playing truth or dare. "Uhhh Truth" Mike answered to Dustin. Dustin smirked and Mike immediately regretted choosing truth. "Soooo" Dustin began. "You and El have been together a long long time.. have you guys done the deed yet?" Mike's face turned red and El raised her eyebrow "Mike...? What's that?" She was still very innocent even though they were older now. Mike was blushing a ton and he awkwardly coughed while glaring at Dustin. "Uhhh uhhhh go ask Nancy!" El nodded and ran upstairs to go find Nancy. Once she left, everyone except Mike burst into laughter. They continued on with the game for a while until El came back down holding a small package. "Mike, Nancy told me to give this to you" She delicately  handed the package to Mike and he raised an eyebrow, tearing open the wrapping. He picked up the note that said inside:

"Remember, make sure El feels comfortable and safe"

and inside was a pack of condoms. Mike  started blushing and El peeked curiously over his shoulder "Mike? What's a con-dom?" Everyone else burst out in laughter again except Mike and El of course. Mike blushed "uhhh I'll tell you some other day El" he then sorted out the variety of condoms so only the size small ones were left and he repackaged that. He then crossed out the name "El" on the letter and replaced it with "Jonathan" and he smiled "can you bring this to Nancy?" El nodded and ran upstairs. The last thing Mike heard before he was attacked with a pillow was "MIKE IM GONNA KILL YOU"  said by his furious sister

Lmao I don't know anymore

Mileven OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang