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Michael Wheeler was mad, not just mad, fuming with anger. He tried to push past Hopper with no such luck. Hopper practically threw Mike out of the door "You won't EVER. Be seeing my daughter again" he said sternly.
10 minutes earlier
Mike pulled apart from El's neck, satisfied at the hickey he had left. El giggled and gave him one last peck on the lips. Mike gently brushed the hair out of El's face and cuddled her close to his chest "I love you El" he murmured while rubbing her back to relieve tension (EL's BoDy LoOsEnD. Jk but that was an inside joke with a person reading this *Cough Cough Bella Cough Cough*) El relaxed and smiled "I love you too Mikey". Just then, the door opened and the two teens jumped apart. "Shit" El hissed and attempted to hide Mike under the blankets on the couch. Mike and El where still flailing around and trying to hide when Hopper saw them and grabbed Mike by the collar of his shirt. Mike gulped and looked at Hopper. Hopper's gaze went to Mike's neck which had several hickeys going down it. Hopper sighed "Michael Wheeler, you have 0.5 seconds to explain or you're dead" El seemed to snap out of her frightened daze and she gave Hopper a weak shove "Don't hurt him!" She wailed and Hopper gently dropped Mike. Hopper then practically threw Mike out of the door "You won't EVER. Be seeing my daughter again" he said sternly. Mike scrambled to his bike and pedaled home fast. He was trembling slightly, still shaken up a bit. El was sobbing on the couch as Hopper gave her a talk. "You're too young for that El! You're a smart kid, you should know better!" El was still crying as she managed to choke out "I don't care! I love Mike and we were trying new things!" She ran into her room and slammed the wooden door, the sound echoed through the eerily silent house. Mike finally got home. He ran into his room and let a few frustrated tears flow out before falling asleep, passed out cold on the floor.

1 week later
Mike was laying in bed like usual, this was his routine now, get home, frustratedly lie on his bed, and stay like that for hours on end. He decided he had enough and finally gathered up the courage to sneak to Hopper's cabin and see El. He carefully went outside, careful not to wake Nancy, who was sleeping in her room, he opened up the door, his freckled nose distastefully scrunched at how cold it was. Mike hopped on his bike and cycled to just below the window in El's room. He hid his bike under some ferns and made his way to her window. He almost fell off the narrow cabin wall with little foothold but he got the hang of it. El was sitting awake, her knees held close to her chest, staring out the window, when she jumped. She saw a figure and it was lightly tapping her window. She cautiously made her way over, she saw it was Mike and she neatly screamed with excitement. El opened the window and practically pulled him inside. Mike grinned and embraced her in a bone crushing hug. El giggled "Mike, I need to breathe" Mike just sheepishly smirked and replied "you can breathe later" he finally pulled apart and sat on El's bed. El sat next to him and smiled "Mike... I missed you" Mike seemed to blush at that and he replied "I missed you too El, a lot." El smiled and looked down, her cheeks turning a rosy shade of pink. Her eyes caught a book peeking out of her closet and she almost yelped "Mike!" She whispered excitedly, her hazel eyes brightening, the book was Romeo And Juliet. "You're like my Romeo!" She smiled. Mike chuckled "yes, of course El" El's eyes seemed to falter uneasily for a moment "Will... I be your Juliet?" She asked, uncertainly. Mike pulled her in for another hug, soft and gentle this time. "Yes, except we don't die like in the play" Mike smiled and El kissed him gently, both teens turned red.  Mike grinned like an idiot "w-well I gotta go before Hopper wakes up. I'll see you tomorrow... Juliet" he smiled and kissed her one last time, it was only a small peck but it was enough to make Mike's stomach erupt into butterflies all over again. El smiled softly "see you later... Romeo." Mike was halfway out the window when El called back
"Will you always be my Romeo?"
Wowwowwowwow that was a long time without an update, I'm really sorry to keep you busy waiting. We're already passed 300 reads like wtf my dudes, my writing sucks 😂. This was my longest chapter by far and to be honest I'm very proud. Please please please leave suggestions as always. Have an amazing day! ❤️️❤️️
~Sophie 🐾

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