No runnin anymore

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Rebekah's pov

After a few more minutes of talking with Michael, John comes in and the two quickly vanish doing whatever. I check my watch which tells me it's three minutes past 4.. I sigh, dropping myself onto the mattress once again as I wonder how this all would play out. The judge spoke life sentence and that multiple, so you can make up your own mind...I'm pretty sure I would never sit on the beach again, drink in hand, watching the sun set, I would never eat ice cream again or watch a movie, I would never see Texas again.. I sniffle, my heart almost breaking at the thought. I close my eyes, breathing in and out ever so slowly. This was home now. I never had one so this, sadly, really got closest to it. And for a moment I thought, maybe this wouldn't be so bad at all, not all the men in here are total douchebags which is surprising but..maybe, just maybe, this would turn out as a place I could finally call home, or something like that. The voice in my head laughs about itself and soon I join in, this is a prison after all.... The thought is insane. Insane enough to be real.. Well for now let's just say I've got somewhere to rest, it's a beginning.
I wouldn't have to run anymore. I think to myself and smile, letting sleep overcome my body and mind.

I awake to someone nudging my arm gently. This someone happens to be John.. "What do ya want?? Go away." I demand, sleep still clouding all my senses. He chuckles and it appears to be really loud, getting me more furious. I turn around and cover my head with his pillow just to have him take it away again. "Fuck off John." I say and he hits me with the pillow hard. Okay sow now I'm mad. I get up into sitting position quickly "Hey what ta fuck man?!" I bark out, eyes squinted and hair all messed up. He bursts in laughter and I stand up, nudging and hitting his chest, getting all riled up over the fact that he's not taking me serious one bit. That he laughs just more at what I'm doing doesn't help the situation at all.. Once he's calmed down he's actually able to open his damn mouth. "It's yard time any minute, just wanted to tell you that."    "He speaks." I say, checking my watch once again..I hadn't slept more than twenty minutes. "So..what was so important that it couldn't wait?" I ask with a smirk. He just looks at me confused.. "This guy..Michael right? You were practically storming out with him..." I say, soon hearing the familiar sound of the cell doors opening and a voice saying it's yard time. "Ohh you know.." He says and I frown. "No I don't..wouldn't be askin if I did." I say, smile playing on my lips. "Business." He simply explains with a shrug. "Men.." I say with an eye roll. "Woman." He yells after me, making me laugh. I walk out alone which is of course not the best idea in an all male facility... My thoughts soon prove right when they all stare at me like I was their prey, cheering and cat calling me again. One gets a little to close for my liking and I turn around warningly. "Fuck off." I hiss. "Ohh I like my girls feisty." He says as I continue to walk, now in the yard. I thought he knew what's good for him but he obviously doesn't as he grabs me by my ass. Know I'd have to teach him a lesson.. I turn around so quick that he stumbles back a little and grab him by two of the fingers that had laid on my behind just seconds ago. Out of my eye I can see everyone staring in anticipation what was going to happen and I just grin before twisting his middle and ring finger harshly to the right, making him scream in agony as he falls to the ground like a little baby.. Everyone stands there wide eyed, even John and his boys, most laughing and making pained sounds. "What a fucking pussy." I say loud enough for everyone to hear and it seems like I just spoke their minds. "Ye can be glad it's just two fingers not ya fuckin hand.." I add as they all let out ohh 's and shit 's.... I can see two COs coming our way, pushing through the inmates so I quickly vanish, shaking my head and laughing. A little further away, I sit down on some bleachers, lighting the second smoke I got with Jon's lighter. Before I can even turn my head towards the approaching steps, I'm being grabbed harshly by a lotta hands at once and get carried away. Struggling, I'm able to see some of their faces which are unknown to me.. After they finally let me down I get pushed against a wall in some sort of shed or something. Now being able to see all their faces, I quickly make up my mind. It's this boy, MayTag or whatever he's called, grinning in my face. Three other of what I assume are T-Bags people are there too, he himself isn't. The guy is pressing his hand roughly against my mouth, preventing me from screaming obviously. So I kick him hard in the balls and he winces for a moment, letting go of me just so one of the other guys can punch me hard across the jaw.. I'm not on my knees or anything but I ain't far away from it either. My head hurts like hell after this and I'm stumbling only to be pushed against the wall again. This MayTag gets in my face again, punching me in the stomach with his fist as I let out a whine. He holds my face up so I have to look him in the eye, just like someone else always did and he holds the cigarette infront of me, smirking. Not having to add much to that he hits my cheek hard with his back hand.. Déjà-vu... He continues on with this, five times or so before sending me face first to the ground. As I try to crawl away he steps onto my back with one foot harshly, leaving me coughing and gasping... "What are you doing princess? There ain't nowhere you can go.." He mocks, putting more weight on my back. After a few more seconds he steps back. Then kicks. Hard. I roll onto my other side, crying out in pain, holding my side and giving him free access on my stomach which he takes gladly, kicking even harder. After more and more kicks which I'm not able to count anymore because my mind's a mess and I feel like my whole body's giving up on me for good this time, I hear a lighter. Opening my eyes with the last strength my body's giving me I look up at him. He smokes the cigarette I had been smoking.. Crouching down to me, hovering above my head he whispers "I want my weed back tonight little cunt and you are gonna come to me." He says. "No other way is that happening unless you want real trouble.." He adds, pushing the glowing cigarette down just above my jawline till it's fully out. As I'm not making any sound he looks quite confused before lifting my head up and pushing it down roughly onto the floor. Then everything goes black......

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