Chapter 3: Ryo?

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Love is quite a peculiar thing. Humans desire it and the joy that comes with it but suffer through heartbreak and sadness when it all goes wrong. Such negativity is undesired. So why do people act with such impulsive behaviour when they know that it may end up in an unwanted outcome? Much like love. A string of chemical reactions in the brain, creating a form of attraction to another being, giving them the want to spend the rest of their lives together. It gives them a passion? An obsession?

All feeling of love applied to the blonde man, sat on the solid floor of where? Ryo looked up to the dark man infront of him, his chiseled features the same as ever. Gorgeous. Ebony locks framed his thin face perfectly, still spiked and fluffy. Akira caught the blonde's gaze, causing him to look away sheepishly.
"Akira. Where are we?" He looked around in confusion.
"Oh, I...don't remember" Akira furrowed his brow slightly "sorry" They stood up and made their way out onto the street. As they looked back at their original awakening place, it turned out to be a warehouse that was filled with remenants of what seemed to be a rave.


'Shit. Why here?' Ryo's head pounded with memories of the past world and all the mistakes made. Sabbath. Why does it exist? This is supposed to be a new world. A better one. 'That lazy shit god. How foolish'  The blonde's gaze fell upon the man stood besides him, checking if he showed signs of memory regain.

Akira remembered Sabbath.

A/n: Hey again. Woops it took almost two months to get this chapter out. Sorry about that but you guys should know that I don't update very frequently. Oh well, I hope you enjoy the new chapter <3

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