5th of February 2018

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I just lied to dad. I told him that i'm okay. But I want to scream, cry and vomit. He asked what i was writing and I told him nothing. I lied because the truth is going to hurt him. A lot. And I don't want to do that. I'm already a pain. I don't want to add onto that. So i've decided to shut up. I just won't talk as much. I just don't want to be more of a pain. 

At school, i've got the worst classes. I hate the people in my class. they're constantly making me feel insecure, judged and uncomfortable. They're all pretty, and popular and liked. I'm none of those. And I know you're probably like don't be so harsh on yourself. But it's all true. I constantly feeling judged and I always wanna cry. My parents don't understand how bad it's gotten. But I don't want to tell them anything. I'm to scared. And i know i'll look back and be like ' you're stressing over nothing'. But right now, I feel like my life is hell. Right now, everything is impossible. I'm still trying to survive; to not give up. But i'm about to fall off that cliff.  I'm just so ready to step off. But i'm so fucking scared. I don't know. I feel stupid. 

So if there is a God.


Why have you made me this way?

Why aren't you helping me?

- Tayla x

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