17th of February 2018

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Today was okay. I got bad news though. That ruined my day. I cried. I over-reacted. I cried again. Because I know it's gonna blow up again in my face. I wanna scream at her because she made me this way. She's the one who started my depression. And here she is playing the victim. Mum's at work but I need her now. Dad's trying to help. But I don't think he understands how bad it really is. I was betrayed by my best friend. I feel so betrayed and scared. I love this sport, but I know that, with this happening, I won't enjoy it as much, because i'll constantly be feeling anxious and insecure. Always expecting the worst. Im going to my aunts now. Thomas is going to be there. He's my world. He's too young to understand the cuts on my legs. But one day, I'm going to tell him that the people with scars and cuts, are the nicest people you will ever meet. And that they are God's angels. I hope he never gets them. Because I don't want the light of my world to dim. And again, I know he's to young, but i hope that one day, he understands how wrong it is. But he makes me so happy. Hes inspiring me to do so many things with my life. Im setting goals because of him. Whenever i'm around this little boy, I forget my problems because i'm too busy laughing.  But right now, I need to talk to my aunt. Because I want to cut really bad. and really deep, because I can't cope right now. I really can't.  But she can help. And so can Thomas. 

-Tayla x

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