5th of February 2018

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I lied to dad today. I told  him that i was okay. But i just wanted to scream and cry and vomit. He asked about what i was writing and i lied. I lied because the truth is going to hurt him. And i don't want to do that. I'm already a pain. I just cant add to that. So i've decided to shut up. I just won't talk as much. I don't want to be more of a pain then i already am. At school, i've got shit classes. I hate the people in them. I'm constantly feeling insecure and uncomfortable. and judged.  i feel like once you meet me, you'll wish you never did. I hate it. I constantly wanna cry everyday. I don't think my parents understand how bad i've gotten. But i don't want to tell them because it will break them.  And i know ill look back on this and think, what the hell? You're crazy. But right now, everything is the hardest thing to do. Like just getting up in the morning is hard enough. I'm still trying to survive; to not give up. But i'm about to fall off that cliff. I'm so ready to just step off. But im so scared. I don't know. I feel stupid. I want to cry so bad. So if there is a God or someone, Why? Why are you making me like this? Why can't you help me? Why?

Just help me. Please. 

-Tayla x

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