This is Halloween

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'Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems, in a place that perhaps, you've seen in your dreams; for the story that you are about to be told , took place in the Holiday worlds of old. Now, you've probably wondered what happened to that selfish, kidnapping, costume and job stealing no good Jack Skellington. If you
haven't, I'd say it's time you've begun!

Jack stood on the side of the dragon fountain ," this Halloween was the most horrible yet! Thank you everyone!" He exclaimed. He knew what the mayor was about to say before he said it.," No! Thank YOU Jack! Without your brilliant leadership..." Jack interrupted like he did every year," Not at all, Mayor!" After much flattery for Jack, he finally had the chance to walk away. He was very depressed. Sure, he only worked once a year, but if you practice 364 days doing the same things every day and then actually doing it, and then practicing again... year after year, day after day. He wanted a little change. ," I think I'll go to the forest this year instead of spiral hill. Maybe zero has a few things to say about his life." He stoped at a dog house shaped headstone. " Zero , lets go on a stroll , boy." Jack told his dog. They where almost at the edge of the forest now when Jack stopped and looked over his shoulder. He heard something that sounded like dead leaves.
" Hello?" Jack looked all around him. After a while he spotted a whole trail of leaves leading from the town gates. He then knew who was following him." Sally?" He asked . A thin blue figure with red hair and a stitched dress walked out from the headstone she was hiding behind. A sad expression was on her face , and Jack saw that her left arm was missing . Jack knew that her master, Dr. Finklestien must have made her rip it off . He saw this every year; but this year there was a red mark on her cheek and a little blood on her right wrist. Jack knew she had been punished.

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