Shadow's control

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Shadow Jack walked past Spiral Hill. On his back was a large bag. He had an unconscious Jack Skellington inside. He was walking towards Lock Shock and Barrel's tree house to meet Oogie. Lock looked at him and saw the bag" you got him ! Are you sure it's the right guy?" He asked." I'm pretty sure I know what my human looks like." Was his reply. " ok I was just asking..." Shadow Jack walked into Oogie's casino." Hey Oogie! I got him!" He shouted. Oogie walked out . He was just a shadow now ." Excellent!"He said. Shadow Jack emptied the bag. Jack lay limp and lifeless on the floor." Is this him?" Shadow asked. Oogie smiled with pleasure." Yes " he said ."What are we going to do with him?" " we're going to put him under your control." Oogie replied taking a piece of shadow out of shadow Jack's chest. He then put it in Jack's rib and it spread through his body. Oogie then picked up jack and strapped him to his table. " tomorrow he should wake up." Oogie said walking out of the room. Shadow Jack turned to leave but then looked back." Good night ,"he said and then chuckled.

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