Chapter 5

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Zoe's POV

How can Harley get away with swearing all the time. If I ever tried to I would be excluded for the day or something extreme. When she and Harry were busy with their shinanagans, I actually got to know Niall quite well he opened up to me quite quickly considering that was really the first time I spoke to him. I quickly learnt that he likes Harley more than she thinks so I told him I liked Harry and that I would try my hardest to try and get those two together. He said he would try and become closer with Harry and then try and be my wingman. Niall was a really good friend and so easy to get on with. Him and Harley will be good together, I can just feel it.

Harley's POV

I was so excited about spending today with Niall, I just couldn't wait to get out of the bloody detention all because I swore when no one was around. They weren't even making me do anything I have been sitting here watching the clock go by for the last 20 minutes. I'm just realising now that there is actually noone in here. With this new found information I quickly put in some headphones and selected my Taylor Swift, Little Mix and Girls Aloud playlist. As I was turning the volume up there was a loud bang on the window, thinking it was a teacher I just threw my phone, luckily it landed in my bag, but I also jumped at the sudden noise so I ended up tumbling to the floor. I could hear loud roars of laughter coming from where I thought the bang came from; I must be a little disoriented. I looked up to see Niall's face against the window while the tears of happiness fell from his eyes. I tried as hard as I could to open the window but apparently it only opened an inch. "Niall why are you here?"

"Well I finished my coursework early so I thought I'd absorb some autumnal sun and I glanced into a window and saw you so I thought I'd check it out and no one was in here so I thought I'd join you but you clearly just wanted to pretend there was a bomb going off instead! he finished laughing more than when started talking.

"Ah okay, well this is a nice surprise, I would let you in but I don't thinks this window is opening more than it already has"

"It's okay its quite warm out here anyway, how much time have we got to kill anyway?"

"Um about 20 minutes"

"Right then..." You could almost see the cogs going round in his head "...let's play charades" I just cracked up was this boy serious?

"I'm being serious; I'm going first, ready?" All I could do was nod I could not believe this boy.

We played charades for the next 15 minutes then Niall left and said he would wait by the bike shed for me: we knew a teacher would be coming back soon. Lucky he did walk away from the window because just as I shut it and sat back down at my desk the 'bitch from the office' came back in and let me leave 'early' because it was a Friday and she was in a good mood, she let me out 3 minutes early! Wow! Why am I not ecstatic about this?


"Harley!" I ran into his open arms and hugged him, he then exaggerated the moment by spinning me around until we both fell on the floor laughing.

"I missed you"

"I missed yew too bby" Thank the Lord we understood each other well enough to know we were joking here!

"Hahaha come on let's go!" I linked our arms together and we proceeded to skip home. I could really see us being friends for a long time, I have only known him 3 days it felt like so much longer.

We arrived at mine, taking an hour and a quarter to walk the usual 45 minute walk, but it was fun, I don't think I've laughed like that for a long time! "Yo man! You want some tea?" I shouted to where Niall was pulling his shoes off.

"Do you have coffee instead?"

"Eugh you disgust me but yeah we do have it!"

"Okay okay I'll have tea, I don't even like coffee I just wanted to know if you liked it so then I would never make the fatal mistake of asking you if you want coffee"

"Well you're a little weird, how many sugars?"

"I think it's possible that you are weirder and deux please"

"Oo getting all international on me now!"

"Wasn't I international anyway I'm Irish"

"That doesn't count!"

"Whatever you say!"

"Come on let's go out, get some snacks and some drink for tonight! We going to get to know each other properly and the only way to do that is too get absolutely wankered."

"Right sounds good to me shall we get some movies too considering its only 5 now"

"Yeah so we'll get everything now, watch 2 films, go get something to eat like a pizza or something and then come back and become best friends, I don't know what I'll tell you so just don't say anything. Anything that happens here stays here!"

"Promise?" He questioned holding up his pinkie, he must have some pretty deep shit to let go of.

"Promise" I grabbed his pinkie with mine.

"Wait are you sure you're aloud too? I mean have me over and drinking? Won't your parents mind?"

"It's just me and my mum and she won't get back in till 9ish and she likes it if I have friends over, then she knows I'm not sitting on tumblr alone, not having a social life"

"Oh right, if your sure?"

"More than sure! Let's go!" And with that we left.

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