Chapter Eighteen

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"That was one of our bad games. I promise our games are way more interesting than that," Journey explained during the celebration dinner that we were having at Masella's pizza.

Nearly everyone from the game was there, but the only ones sitting at our table was the boys, and Gaia, Ivy, Otto, and Bryce. The two boys were friends of Journey. They've been hanging out with us a bit lately. I didn't mind it, though. Journey's friends really weren't that bad.

"Journey's right," Gaia said to defend Journey's statement. "That was probably the most boring game ever, the games get better the deeper the girls get in the season. Just wait until they get into conference, that's when things get intense."

"How intense? Are we talking about fighting intense? A little hair pulling, nipple twisting, hip grinding," Gunner asked. "Because if so, I'll definitely come to more games."

I laughed a bit. "Hell yeah. Journey, you should get your girls to go topless during halftime. That might've woke me up, babe." Journey gave me a look, and pinched my arm. "It's just a suggestion, baby. Don't get mad." I kissed Journey's cheek softly.

"You know what would really make it more interesting," Bryce said. "If you guys just took the ball and put it-"

"Bro, I can already tell some sick shit is about to come out of your mouth," Otto stopped Bryce before he could go any further. One thing I've learned about Journey's guy friends was that Bryce was pretty sick, while Otto actually had a bit of morals.

"This pizza is so delicious," Ivy simply blurted, causing everyone to laugh at her randomness. "If you guys gave out free pizza at the game, I'm sure the whole school would come."

"The whole fucking town would come," I corrected. The need for conversation became less and less as everyone ate. Everyone was too busy eating to talk. Well, in Cortez and Gaia's case, they were too busy making out to talk.

It was pretty peaceful and quiet until Journey let out a shriek. "What's wrong," I asked her when she grabbed my arm. Journey's face began growing pale. "Journey, are you okay?"

"He's here, Cameron. He's fucking here."


Journey lowered her voice, before taking a much needed breath. "Wolf...look over by the window." Journey nodded her head to the direction she wanted me to look. I looked in that direction, and saw exactly who she was talking about.

The guy was staring at me with cold eyes. He slowly got up, and began walking towards our table. I turned around, and looked at Journey. "That's not Wolf. It's his older brother. They look almost identical, just chill out, J."

Wolf's brother, Jackson finally approached the table, causing my crew to tense up a little bit. "What do you want, Jackson," I decided to speak up. "I thought you moved to Nevada a few months ago."

"Yeah, well," Jackson grabbed a chair, and sat it down right beside me. He took a seat, and stared at me with an intense glare. "When someone kills your little brother and gets away with it, you just have to come back for revenge, you know," he whispered in my ear.

Journey grabbed onto my arm tightly. I gave her a look to tell her everything was okay, then turned to face Jackson. "I didn't kill your brother, Jackson. I don't know who did it, but good luck on the whole revenge thing."

Jackson laughed with a lack of humor. "I'm not playing games, Ramsey! I know you did it! Word on the street is that you did it over some fucking whore-"

"I. Didn't. Kill. Your. Brother," I said slowly through clenched teeth. The guy was really aggravating me. All I wanted to do was enjoy my food, my girlfriend, and my friends; and he just had to ruin it.

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