Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Hm? Aoi?" Tsumugu's reflection appeared on the small pond that served as our waterhole.

After my failed confrontation with Chisaki, I didn't have it in me to return to the classroom. I don't think I'd be able to stand the sight of Chisaki and Manaka avoiding each other- with me unable to do anything.

"What's wrong? You're not usually this quiet. Is it about Hiradaira-san and Mukaido-san?"

"You really are a fish whisperer," I could only say quietly, my bare feet splashing gently on the water. "So you've noticed too?" I added when I noticed that he hadn't budged from his spot as if gesturing for me to continue.

"It isn't too hard to miss," he admits, his stoic expression being distorted by the ripples of the water.

I wonder why I always end up with the perceptive ones?

"They still haven't settled it. I wish I could could do something to help but from Chisaki's actions... I almost feel like an outsider."

"And it worries you?"

"Of course it does!" I exclaimed before turning to face him. "If I don't do something soon then this might turn into something irreparable."

"I mean... Hikari's practically oblivious about it and Kaname... He knows but he won't make a move."

"And you feel like you're the only one who can do something about it?" Tsumugu's words causes me to pause, my eyes avoiding his.

From the number of times I've confided in him, I had yet to get used to the way he harshly pointed out the flaws of my reasoning. It was unsettling how he never misses, as if he could read us all like an open book. I know he doesn't mean to antagonize himself and to be truthful, his advices have always helped me no matter how harsh they are.

"I know I can't... But I... If there's a chance I can then I want to-,"

"Do you really have so little faith in them?" His question makes me pause, those words carrying weight.

Tsumugu doesn't seem to mind my silence as he continued on, just like that time...

"I'm sure they've fought before. Friends do that and I'm sure you've realized it yourself before. If you've been together this long, then it should be obvious that what strengthens bonds isn't trust alone."

"Ah! Is that you Shimizu-san - is that Kihara-kun with you too?" In the aftermath of Tsumugu's words, another voice joins in on our conversation. Looking to the source, I noticed that it was our fellow classmate along with Kaname who had arrived.

"Think about it, Aoi. I'm sure they'll forgive each other soon," Tsumugu adds before walking away just as I rose- his words allowing me to realize the error of my thinking.

I was so focused on the fear of our friendship falling apart that I lost sight of the bonds we had. Tsumugu is right, I had long since realized that fighting was only natural- that our friendship would always triumph over it. Fighting was what helped us understand each other better, isn't that how I've learned to tolerate Hikari for so long?

I guess I still have a long way to go.

"He's right... There really isn't any need for me to try and interfere." I smile lightly to myself, earning me a chuckle.

"Hmmm...what's with that smile, Shimizu-san? Did something happen between you and Kihara-kun?" Her teasing was enough to snap me back to reality, my cheeks turning red as I fumbled to deny her claims.

"N-No!" I noticed Kaname curiously observing from behind at my embarrassing denial, guilt immediately taking place of my embarrassment when I realized what I had done.

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