Chapter IV: Encounter

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The sun was slowly descending from the sky, it's lowered rays blending the land with an orange hue. It was approaching nighttime.

I had yet to discover any sort of shelter, but the good thing is that at least I won't starve to death.

As the bag I carried with me was slumped on my back along with the sword clutched in my right hand, I trudged onward to what would seem the longest day I'd ever experienced.

"Hey, how long have I been traveling?" I asked, too tired to look at my watch.

"You have been traveling for six hours, thirty-seven minutes, and twelve seconds."

Wow, time flies when you're doing literally nothing.

Thing is, even though I walked for so long, it seemed like I made no progress whatsoever.

Everything seemed to look relatively the same.

A vast expanse of grass with a little number of flowers and an even less amount of trees, coupled with the gravel road cutting straight through the scenery made me slightly disturbed.

Maybe I should find someplace to lie down and sleep. Even though my body is genetically enhanced, there's only so much I can take.

I glanced around, other than what was previously mentioned, I see some rocks in the distance, one big enough for me to lay down in.

My prospects still aren't looking good.

As I steadily approached the rock, the merchant's words really stuck to me, like a thorn in the side of my conscience.

I had accepted the fact that this might be another world, but that complicates a bunch of things for me.

How will I get back? Can I even get back? Does time flow differently in each world?

The only somewhat good thing I got out of this exchange was that I might've proved that multiple worlds do exist.

If my theory's correct, that is.

I started sitting down on the rock. The rock was a little more than 100 meters apart from the main road, but as long as I could see it, I didn't mind the distance.

I hastily got out the bag that the merchant gave me.

A few apples, some bananas, wheat bread and tons of fresh potatoes were found inside, stacked neatly on top of each other, sort of in layers.

"Check if these have any poison in them."

「 No trace of any poisonous substances can be found within the object.」

My face gave a slight expression of relief as I took the items out. I thought it was strange that the merchant would give me free items, so I wanted to be safe just in case.

I quickly gobbled down the contents of the bag, reluctant to save some for later.

The food was quite fresh, presumably only a few days old from analyzing the quality. The taste wasn't exquisite or anything, but since I hadn't been eating for a while, I thought it tasted better than plain food normally did.

I might've been more hungry than I originally thought because when I finished, the bag was almost completely empty.

I decided to practice sword fighting for a period of time. Since I was given a broadsword as a weapon, I might as well learn how to arm myself for the future.

Usually during the 24th century, using items like swords were considered obsolete since we had more advanced weapons, so I was excited to learn the basic fundamentals of sword fighting.

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