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I was sitting in the airport, video chatting with Rory. He was very excited to tell me something too. "Okay, dude my family just went to get food, Tell me what you wanted to say." I signed. "Okay, so you know that guy Noah?" I nodded. "I just asked him to be my boyfriend. Still waiting on an answer though." He signed nervously. "He'll say yes." I reassured. "Thanks." He said. Just then his eyes widened. "Just got a text from him." I could see he was scared of opening the text. "Open it!" I signed. He took a deep breath and clicked on it. His face lit up. "He said yes!" Tears filled his eyes. "Never seen you this happy." I signed with a laugh. "He's my first boyfriend, of course I'm gonna be happy!" He signed back. I laughed. a paper ball hit me in the face. I looked up annoyed at my sister who was laughing. "Time to go." She said. I nodded. I had to read her lips since she hadn't learned enough sign language to talk to me. I sighed and looked down at Rory. "Have to go. Talk to you soon dude. Congrats on Noah." He smiled sadly. "Miss you. Talk to me when you land. Show me what America looks like. Thank you. Bye." He signed quickly. "I will. Miss you too. Bye." I signed and turned of the call. 

We all walked off to get on our plane to America. To our new home. I was scared and nervous to say the least. Not long after we were seated, the plane ascended into the sky. I had a death grip on my seat. I'd never been flying before and this was possibly the worst thing I had ever experienced, other than Malcom making me do a V.R. horror experience one time. Don't get me wrong., I love  video games. But that was just not right. I settled in my seat and leaned back a little bit. I just wanted to sleep until we got there, but I knew we'd be switching planes at some point. Maybe I could sleep until then. I really needed it. I yawned and zipped up my hoodie. I pulled the hood over my eyes and fell asleep in my seat, hoping not to wake until we landed and had to switch.


I was shaken awake by my mom, telling me it was time to switch planes. We were in North Carolina, we had forty five minutes until we had to board our next plane. I ran off to the gift shop and started looking around at all the little trinkets and candies that they had. I needed to find something for Rory. Speaking of which, I pulled out my phone and messaged him. 

Hey, we just landed in America! We're in North Carolina.

Sweet! Where do you guys head to next?

Somewhere in Texas.

Cool. How is it so far.

Really weird because of time change. I feel like I should be going to bed right now even though it's only like four in the afternoon here. 

That's freaky. What are you doing right now anyways?

Trying to find something in the gift shop for you.

Awe really? Thanks.

Of course. I told you I'd send you stuff.

You didn't actually have to, but I really appreciate it.


Someone tapped me on the shoulder and started talking really fast. I couldn't read their lips. I held up my hands and signed that I was deaf and he very clearly didn't understand. I Typed on my phone and showed it to him. He looked very unamused, as if I was trying to prank him. I looked desperately around my mom as he continued to talk to me. I looked out and saw her. She turned to me and smiled. I signed help and she grew concerned. She walked in and signed to me. "He doesn't think I'm deaf." I signed. She proceeded to explain to the guy that I was indeed deaf and to stop yelling at her son. He apologized...I think, and went back to whatever he was doing. I thanked my mom and went back to finding something for Rory.

After buying stuff we got some food and then waited for the next flight to Texas, where we would switch again and then be in California. Our new home. My mom told me that they already had all of our stuff in the new house. She also said she'd be working pretty much the next day so it was up to me, Malcom, and Allison to start unpacking on the weekend. Then we started school on Monday. I was utterly terrified. Partially because it was an American school and I had no Idea what I was doing. Mostly because it was a normal high school. Yeah. That idea settled in my brain swimmingly. How in the utter hell was I supposed to go to a normal high school, while I was deaf. 

I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't see my mom and my siblings getting up heading to the gate. I got up and quickly followed them. We went through the terminal, as we had done in Ireland and everything went well. We boarded our flight and were soon in the air. I took out the candy I had bought in the shop and munched on it while scrolling through my phone. I sighed, wishing I could jus listen to music. Everything was so quiet and the quiet was slowly driving me insane. I turned off my phone and looked out at the night sky. The clouds looked blue under the bright glow of the moon and stars. I loved the stars, they were beautiful. 

I leaned my head back and just focused on the outside, hoping to fall asleep. As long as I was asleep I didn't have to listen to the overwhelming sound of silence. 

(A/N) This one is a little shorter than the others, but I couldn't really find a better way to end it off. Anyway, I hope you guys like it so far. If you read any of my other stories, I am trying to find a way to continue them, especially in "The Last of Us." You guys really seem to like that one. 

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