Town Midwife

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Luna's POV

"There's a mountain pass between us and Qui Gong" Shang states. "It takes us through bandit country. But it's the only way" he explains.

"Why not just follow the river?" I ask.

"Because the river's not on the map" he replies.

"It's bound to go past a town, and where there's a town. There's a road" Mulan tells him.

"There's no town on the map" Shang tells her.

"Then may we should forget the map and wing it" Mulan states.

"Yeah, we had no map when we went to join the army" I add.

"We can't wing, we need a new plan" Shang tells us.

"We have three days" Typhoon adds.

"What if we get lost?" Shang asks us girls.

"Then we pull over and ask for directions" Mulan and I state.

"We don't need to pull over and ask directions. We have a map" Shang states and I roll my eyes. Tempted to grab the map and throw it in the river.

"What is it with men and asking directions?" Mulan asks.

"What is it with women and maps?" Shang shoots back.

"You're saying women can't read maps?" Mulan asks annoyed.

"I'm saying women will ask, but they won't follow directions" Shang answers. They start to argue as we watch and Yao appears.

"Am I interrupting?" he asks.

"What is Yao?" Typhoon asks.

"Scout report, I found a village and a oath to it through the forest" he states.

"A forest path?" Mulan and Shang asks together.

"Great, show us" I tell Yao and he does so. We see the town and smile.

"There's bound to be a road down there, that'll lead us to Qui Gong" Mulan states.

"Good work Yao" Shang says. Yao thanks him bowing, before leaving. Mulan apologizes to Shang but he says. "No, I am sorry, a good leader is open to new ideas". "Forgive me?" he asks.

"There's nothing to forgive" Mulan tells him.

"Luna and I will go check out the town, you two return to camp" Typhoon states.

"Will you be ok on watch duty alone?" I ask Mulan.

"I'll be fine, just be careful. We know nothing about this town" she states. We hug each other and she leaves with Shang. "Now why are we really going to town?" I ask Typhoon and he smiles sheepishly at me.

"To find a midwife, we need to know if you're pregnant" he states.

"And what if I am? We have a mission" I remind him.

"My first mission is to you and our future child if there is one" he tells me. We then link arms and head into town together. "Excuse me sir, we're new to town" he says as we enter town.

"Welcome then, do you need help?" a stall owner asks.

"Yes, we're looking for a midwife" Typhoon states.

"Oh how wonderful, well she's at the fair" the stall owner states pointing to town square. "Ask for Joy" he tells us before going to serve a customer. We thank him and head to the square.

"Oh look at that cute kitten" I say rushing over to the pet stall. "Oh she's adorable" I states giving her a pat.

"Luna, we're in the middle of a mission and we have to find Joy" Typhoon reminds me.

"Did someone say my name?" a woman asks from near the rabbits. "I'm Joy, how may I help you?" she asks after walking over.

"We're think I maybe pregnant, but don't know for sure" I tell her. While Typhoon went to speak to someone else. But returns quickly as Joy replies to my statement.

"Follow me to my office, it's not far" she states and leads the way. "Please take a seat" she says after we enter the building. She then had us tell her my symptoms. "You certainly sound pregnant, but it could be a stomach bug. May I?" she asks gesturing to my stomach and I nod.

She presses it lightly feeling around before smiling. "Congratulations, you're pregnant" she states and I smile. "Please take theses, it'll help with the nausea" she explains.

"How much?" Typhoon asks.

"No charge today, but please take it easy" she tells me. We leave and head to leave town. But I can't stop thinking about the kitten.

"I know you want that kitten, but I'm afraid it's just to dangerous for it to come along" he tells me.

"I know, besides we have more important things to worry about" I state.

"Yeah, our unexpected surprise" he says rubbing my flat stomach fondly. "I wish I could take you back home. But we can't abandoned the others, please promise me one thing" he states.

"What?" I ask.

"To not leave my side, especially if we run into bandits. Stay behind me then, I don't want to lose either of you" he states.

"I promise" I say and kiss him gently. "Why are the others here? And where's Shang?" I ask him. Pointing to the princesses, their guards and Mulan. Who are all hugging on a bridge before us.

Suddenly a horse neighs loudly and we see Shang. Chien-po drops the others. "We should probably help" I say.

"No, my cousin looks mad. Best to let Mulan handle this" Typhoon tells me. Then wraps an arm around me and we approached the others.

"Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain" Mulan tells Shang.

"Fine, why don't we start with this?" Shang states taking out a letter.

"That's mine" Mei tells him.

"All yours? Or did you have help?" he asks unfolding the letter. He begins to read it aloud "And so, my dear father, I cannot complete this mission. I have come to realize that my duty is to my heart" he finishes. "Now who does that sound like?" he asks Mulan.

"Mei never meant to send that letter" Su tells him.

"Your Highnesses, you swore a vow to be married in Qui Gong. If your father saw you now, breaking that vow, what would he say?" he asks them. Before turning to Chien-po, Ling and Yao. "You three are to escort their highnesses back to their tents immediately. You are to guard them. You are not to enter their tents or speak to them. Not a word. Ever. Am I understood?" he asks.

"Yes, sir" they all reply and begin to lead the princesses away back to camp. Then Mulan and Shang have their worse fight ever.

"Go speak to Mulan, I'll try to reason with Shang" Typhoon tells me. I go to comfort my sister. While Typhoon follows Shang to his tent.


Picture above of the hug and video above of the princesses song. Picture on the external link of the kitten.

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