Mountain Base

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Luna's POV

Mulan wakes me up with a cup of tea and crackers. I take them happily along with the medicine the midwife had given me. Before rolling up my bed roll and blanket. Then take it to Zeus and tie it back to his saddle. I feel arms wrap around my waist and hands on my belly.

"Morning Typhoon" I say smiling as I finish tying the blanket to the saddle.

"Morning my beautiful wife, did you sleep well?" he asks me.

"Surprisingly so" I tell him as I turn around and put my arms around his neck. "What about you?" I ask.

"Ok, but I missed having you in my arms" he says and kisses me gently.

"Ok love birds, it's time to go" Shang states.

"Did you take your medicine?" Typhoon asks me.

"Yes, along with tea and crackers. Did you have something to ate?" I ask him. He nods his head and then helps me onto Zeus. Then mounts his mare and we set off after the others. Bringing up the rear and covering their backs.

"Remember when we reach the mountain pass, don't leave my side" he reminds me.

"I know Typhoon" I assure him as Shang rides over.

"Luna, I'd like to say congratulations on the pregnancy" he tells me smiling.

"Thank you Shang, we'd like you and Mulan to be the godparents" I tell him.

"I'd be honoured" he says before going back to the head of the group. Mulan then comes by to ride beside Typhoon.

"Typhoon congrats on the future baby, just be sure to take good care of my sister" she tells me.

"I will and take care of my brother" he tells her and she nods her head before going back to her position. "Do you think they'll make up soon?" he asks me.

"I'm sure by the time we reach Qui Gong they'll be back to their lovey dovey selves" I tell him smiling. "The princesses look side and as do the other three" I say looking at them. "Can I go tell them about the baby? It'll cheer them up" I explain.

"Of course, I'll go talk to Shang" he says and we rode forward. I pull up in between the princesses and the warriors. While Typhoon continued until he was riding along side Shang.

"Do you six want to hear some exciting news?" I ask them.

"Sure/why not" Ting-ting and Ling say.

"Typhoon and I are expecting a baby" I tell them smiling.

"Congratulations" they all say at the same time and we all laugh. I notice Mulan covering our rear and see her speaking to Mushu. She seem to be getting angrier the more he talked. Mulan stuffs him into her saddle bag and gallops towards us on Khan shouting Shang's name. When Shang looks around an arrow is buried in the canyon wall beside him.

"It's an ambush!" Mulan shouts as the horses neigh.

"Close ranks!" Typhoon shouts as he rides over to me.

"Save the princesses!" Shang shouts. The bandits abseil down the walls on ropes. Mulan, Shang, Typhoon and I dismount our horses. Typhoon draws hi sword as I grab one of my twin knives. While the others fight with their hands trying to protect the princesses.

"You two get the gold!" one of the bandits shouts. I notice Yao, Ling and Chien-po trying to get the princesses to higher ground. With several bandits on their tail. Mulan and Shang were fighting back to back like Typhoon & I.

Suddenly I hear Mei shouting for Yao. "The Princesses!" I shout and the four of us run towards the others. I see one of the bandits with Mei over his shoulder as they run away towards a bridge. Mulan and Shang go after them. While the three warriors fight the other bandits. Typhoon joins the fight sending me to protect the other two princesses. Who was throwing rocks at the bandits and I joined them.

The bandits we were fighting ran away in the opposite direction. So we run towards the bridge with the warriors and Typhoon. Mei runs towards us over the bridge in Yao's arms as they shout each other's names. "Shang/Mulan!" Typhoon and I shout as the bridge begins to break. Typhoon holds me back as one of the support ropes breaks.

"No, Mulan!" I shout as I see her hanging on with one hand while holding Shang's with the other. "Let me go Typhoon!" I shout trying to get to my sister.

"Lets get out of here!" the bandit shouts to his mate and they run off.

"Cowards!" I shout.

"Ahh!" I hear Mulan shout and turn to see the rope she was hanging from close to snapping.

"No Mulan, hang on!" I shout tears streaming down my face. We watch as Shang lets go of Mulan. "Shang!" I scream along with Typhoon and Mulan.

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