Wedding Crushers

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(Sorry for the long wait) Luna's POV

"You look beautiful Mulan" I tell her as I do her hair.

"So do you Luna" she tells me.

"There, you're hair is done" I state placing her hair comb in. "I wish father and mother were here.  Along with grandmother" I tell her.

"I'm sure, our ancestors are watching" she states as she goes to grab her head piece.

"OH, Mulan. I would give up a thousand pedestals if I could stop this" Mushu tells her. The music begins to play outside.

"I doubt even the golden dragon of unity could stop this now" she tells him.

"Goodbye Mushu" I say as Mulan puts the head piece on. I then guide her outside. We see all of Qui Gong has gathered to witness this union. I try to look happy, but I'm very sad. My sister is about to enter a loveless marriage. She deserves better then that, after everything she's been through.

We reached the base of the golden dragon of unity. Where the king of Qui Gong and his oldest son waited. I stand behind Mulan as she stands in front of the king with his son.

"M y people... The golden dragon of unity, who guides us in all we do. Today sanctifies a union that will be a blessing for all of Qui Gong" the king announces. Suddenly two horses appear with a man on each.

"It's General Li Shang he's alive!" someone shouts. I smile and run into Typhoon arms once he dismounted his mare. Mulan does the same to Shang.

"Oh, you're alive" she says in relief.

"I couldn't let you get married without me" he tells her smiling.

"General! This is outrageous! You will leave at once!" the king shouts.

"I'm not going anywhere" Shang tells him.

"What's he doing?" I ask Typhoon confused.

"Winging it" he says smiling.

"How dare you trample upon this sacred ceremony!" the king shouts.

"My lord, I love Mulan and I don't care what the rules say. If she'll have me, I intend to marry her right here" Shang states. "Right now" he says looking into Mulan's eyes.

"Insolent dog, seize him!" the king shouts pulling Mulan away from Shang.

"Mulan!" Shang and I shout. As she and Typhoon shout Shang's name. Suddenly a breath of fire appears before us. We all look up at the golden dragon of unity.

"YO! What's with all this drama?" he demands.

"The golden dragon of unity, he lives!" the king cries. He and his kingdom all bow.

"Mushu" I say in shock.

"OH, you dang right I live! So you best drop your dumpling-eating behind on down and tell me why we ain't busting out the vows already?" Mushu demands pretending to be the golden dragon of unity.

"But --but, your greatness, general Li Shang is not a son of Qui Gong" the king tries to explain.

"Silence" Mushu roars letting out another breath of fire. The king screams and hides behind Shang. "I am the golden dragon of unity, and I decide whom to unify. My all-seeing eye has peered into the very heart of China, and I've never seen two people more right fro each one another than this lovely couple right here. Along with Li Luna and Li Typhoon... Anyway Mulan and Shang. Give it up for them, would you, please?" he asks.

Typhoon and I clap with the crowd. My prayers have been answered, Mushu always comes through for us when we need him the most. "Now I command you to proceed at once" he orders.

"Yes your greatness, as you command" the king tells him.

"N ow, let's get down to business. Mulan, do you love Shang? Of course you do" Mushu states. "Shang, do you love Mulan? Yes very much. Moving on... By the power invested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife" he declares. "You got anything to say, Lord double chin?" he asks shooting fire at the king. Who screams again.

"Yes -- UH, I mean, no. I-I mean... Whatever you say" the king stutters. Everyone cheers and smiles. I snuggle into Typhoon as we look at Mulan and Shang.

"And futhermore, I hereby decree that the princesses of the Middle Kingdom, are released from their vow and may marry whom so ever they please" Mushu declares. I hear a squeal and look out at the crowd. To see the princesses kissing Ling, Yao and Chien-po. When I look back at my sister I see her kissing Shang with her hair down and smile.

I pull Typhoon down and kiss him happily as the crowd cheers. There was a feast in our honors. But Typhoon and I called it an early night as I was tired. "You and Shang had perfect timing" I tell him smiling as I remove the pinchy shoes.

"I have a gift for you" he states and I look up confused. He goes to our closet and opens the door. A kitten runs out and over to me.

"Oh Typhoon" I say picking her up.

"Happy Birthday" he says smiling. "What will you name her?" he asks me.

"Nina" I say smiling and she purrs.

"I think she likes it" he says giving her a pat. "It was lucky that the golden dragon of unity made an appearance" he states as we lay on the bed.

"Not luck, just an old friend" I tell him. "There's someone I need to tell you about" I state. I then tell him all about Mushu and who he is mine & Mulan's guardian.

(One chapter remaining)


Picture above of Mulan and Shang being married. Picture in chapter of Luna and Typhoon.

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