Brotherly Reunion

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Typhoon's POV

I'm on my mare as we travel along the river with Shang's horse Duan looking for his body. I hated having to leave Luna alone. But I have to find my cousin's body. And I know Mulan will protect her. Along with our unborn child. I just hope Mulan won't do anything reckless.

A splash of water gets my attention and I look up to see Duan in the shallow water. "What is it boy? Have you found him?" I ask as I dismount my mare. I go to the waters edge while Duan sniffs the water. Suddenly a hand shoots out and grabs his reins. A man follows suit. "Shang!" I shout as I run forward Duan pulling Shang from the water.

"Good horse" he says weakly patting Duan's muzzle.

"Yes very good horse" I say sarcastically as I move it away from him. I grab him under the arms and drag him out of the water. "Now lay still while I examine you" I tell him. "Nothing appears to be broken, can you stand?" I ask after several minutes of examining him.

"I can" Shang states and I help him up. We slowly walk over to our grazing horses and I help him mount Duan. "Where's Mulan and the others?" he asks me.

"I left them at the bridge so that I could find your body. Leaving a distort Mulan en-charge. Probably not my best call as she and the others believe you're dead" I explain.

"What? We have to find them" he tells me.

"We will, I told Luna I'd meet her in Qui Kong" I tell him as I mount my mare. "Sure you can ride?" I ask and he nods his head. "Ok, follow me" I say and take off back the way I came.

"I can't believe you left your pregnant wife alone" he says.

"What? You wouldn't me to leave your body out here to rot?" I ask him. "Besides if I hadn't of come to find you wit Duan. You'd probably be really dead now" I state. "Besides Luna understands my needs" I add.

"This experience has taught me one thing" he states. "I'm in love with Mulan and want to spend the rest of my life with her. No matter how much we may fight" he tells me.

"Good for you" I tell him smiling. "Look it's Chien-po, Yao and Ling with the princesses" I states. We draw closer undetected and hear their conversation.

"Mulan said she was gonna finish the mission, no matter what" Yao states.

"But how can she without us?" the pink princess asks aloud.

"By taking your place" Shang and I state. They notice us and exclaim Shang's alive. They all run over to us happily and Yao even kisses Duan. Making me laugh.

"Mulan and Luna were right. No one should marry someone they don't love" Shang tells the others. "I'm going to Qui Kong" he states.

"I'm going also, I promised Luna to meet her there" I add smiling.

"We'll go to" a princess states.

"No, you're not. Stay here" Shang tells them. We both take off towards Qui Kong. I pray we're not to late to stop Mulan.

(With the others) Third Person

"Would you say that was an order?" Yao asks the others.

"I would say it was a friendly suggestion" Chien-po states.

"Let's go!" Ling shouts. All three warriors and the princess run towards Qui Kong. Not wanting to miss anything.


Picture above of Duan searching for Shang.

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