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'The truth is rarely pure and never simple'-Oscar Wilde

"Come in"Someone shouted from the other side of the door.Marinette went to visit Master Fu.Marinette opened the door and was greeted by an old man and a green kawamii.

"Marinette!"Master Fu greeted the girl.She smiled and waved as she sat next to him.Once she was comfortable Master Fu gave her a box similar to the one that she had when she first got Tikki.

"The girl who I gave these to after you left has received a new Kawamii so you don't need to worry about her.Remember though Marinette,things have changed so be careful"Master Fu warned the bluenette who put the earnings on.Tikki popped out from the earning's and gave Marinette a hug.

A few hours later

"Hey gurl!"Alya greeted her best friend.Marionette waved and smiled.They both walked to the park and was met with Nino and his best friend Adrien.

"Hey guys!"Marionette said as they all hugged each other.During the day Marionette noticed Adrien acted weird towards her but she didn't want to question it because it was the first time in years she was hanging out with her friends and she wanted the moment to end on a happy note.They spent hours catching up and eating strange food's they have never heard from different cafes all around Paris.By the time they got ack to the park they realized it

"It was so great to see you again Mari!"Nino said.Adrien nodded in agreement.Marionette smiled before waving and walking back home.She needed to finish packing and unpacking the house because her parents where still in Cluny packing some stuff they left behind.She didn't mind though it mean't she could have some alone time for a change.Since they moved,her parents never left her alone.They nearly got her a babysitter while they where at Cluny but Marionette convinced them she was going to fine.Don't get her wrong,Marionette loved her parent's with all her heart but when you hardly get any alone time,it get's a bit annoying,but she can understand why there worried about her.Once she finished packing she decided to go to her room and take a little nap.


Marionette shot up from her bed and looked at her window and came face to face with someone she thought she would never see again.Someone she thought that forgot about her completely.

Chat Noir

SECOND CHAPTER YAY!Sorry it's short,I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger which meant SHORT CHAPTER...Next one is longer!Btw listening to BTS...xD

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