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'What past is prologue and the world await's'-William Shakespeare.

This is short because it's just the last bit of the epilogue so yea!If you haven't read the first book you should.....If you don't you would not know what the fudge is going!It's called Marichat Trust Me!

Today was the that Marionette and her family was moving back to Paris.She got a place at a college near her old bakery,where she is living once again.Some of her friend's from Cluny.Marionette was excited to come back for many reason's.Master Fou said she can become Ladybug once again when she come's back,seeing Alya again and Chat.Her kitty.

"Mari!"Someone shouted.Marionette was taking a walk threw the park that she had many fun moment's with Alya happened.She turned around to be greeted with her old best friend.

"Alya!"She hugged her for a good 3 minutes before breaking the hug and starting to talk.

"Anything I missed?"Marionette asked.Alya nodded excitedly and started to explain everything that she missed.After hours of catching up Alya remembered something to tell her best friend.

"Guess what!"Alya nearly shouted.Marionette laughed at her and nodded her head meaning 'go on'.

"Chat goes out with Ladybug!They have been for a good 2 year's now and it's adorable!"Alya squealed and in that moment Marionette's heart shattered into a million piece's.


Heart|MarichatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora