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'When you write an epilogue,it's your choice to make it happy or not,book or real life.The ending to most stuff depend's on you'-ME!!!!!(Like really no joke I could not find the right quote's about epilogue's so I thought WHY NOT MAKE ONE MYSELF!It's crap I know)


1 Month Later

It's been a month and Chat started to visit Marionette again every night.The police managed to capture most of the people who helped Luka,including the guy himself.Marionette did help because when the police arrived to where they where keeping Marionette,most of the men she tasered where still knocked out which made it easier to arrested and throw them into jail.Her parent's reopened the bakery now and the on the first day back open,the whole shop was overrun by people because everyone missed the amazing pasties.At the moment,Marionette was sitting at her desk,drawing more outfit's to make for her and her friend's for a party there going to in a couple of week's when she had a knock on her trap door.When she opened it,she welcomed the black cat in.They started dating a week ago and they could not be happier.Marionette sat back down and continued to finish her drawing's,and Tikki hid in her hiding spot,eating a cookie.Chat closed the trap door behind him and sat on the floor,looking up at Marionette.She looked back at him,confused.She sighed.

"What do you want now Chat?"Marionette smiled at him.He pretend to think then stole a kiss from Marionette.She smirked and pulled him close to her and acted like she was going kiss to her,but before her lip's touched his,she pulled back and ran on top of the roof and hid behind a bush.Chat huffed in annoyance.He hated it when she pretended she was going kiss then run away before they did.He stalked onto the roof,trying to remain silent.Marionette could see threw the leave's and he looked her way but he didn't see her.She knew he didn't see her and was pretending because he looked right threw her.He gave up a couple minute's later and went back into her room,confusing to where she might of gone.Marionette smirked to herself and sneaked to her trap door,which Chat luckily kept open.She pocked her head threw and didn't see the black cat any where.When she was about to remove her head(from her body xD)she saw that her book was missing for her desk.Quickly,she entered threw the trap door,not caring if she was making noise or not.Chat prowled toward's her,notebook in hand,and scared.She nearly screamed,but kept in because of her parent's and sacked Chat lightly against his chest playfull.

"Don't do that!And where's my notebook!"Marionette quietly shouted at him.Chat passed her the notebook and laughed lightly.

"Really nice dress,what are they for?"Chat asked curiously.Marionette rolled her eyes,closed the note book and turned to him.

"One,curiosity killed the cat and two for a party I'm going to with my old class(she is like 18 now and there just doing a little get together again),where the only one's invited,everyone but the people I'm making the dress for don't know I'm coming"Marionette explained.She turned around and put her notebook in a draw.

"Look's like where both going then"He mumbled to himself.He hoped Marionette didn't hear but she did.

"Your going?"Marionette asked confused.'That mean's he's in my class'Marionette thought.Chat tensed up.

"Your in my class then?Wait!Blonde hair,green eye's,same face shape and everything!Your Adrien!"Marionette shouted,her parent's not hearing though.Chat froze.


Heart|MarichatМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя