Hanging Out

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'Hang out with people that make you happy,not people you need to impress'-Unknown

Marionette woke up very excited about the day ahead of her.Today she was going to hang out with her old best friend.There was a bad feeling about hanging out with Luka at the back of er mind but she just brushed it aside,thinking it was because what happened with Chat last night.Marionette looked across Tikki who lying on a little bed Marionette made,which was hidden next her bed,and saw her kawamii was still sleeping soundly.Marionette giggled softly.She jumped of her bed and skipped into the bathroom,had a shower and brushed her teeth.She walked out of the bathroom in only a tower covering her body and picked a outfit for the day.She picked a baby blue dress that she made a couple months ago with a brown braided belt.She picked some brown high heel boot's to go with the belt and left her hair down.

She picked some brown high heel boot's to go with the belt and left her hair down

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"You look really nice Mari!"A voice said

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"You look really nice Mari!"A voice said.Marionette turned around to see Tikki floating there.She smiled.

"Thank's Tikki"Marionette giggled.She grabbed her phone to see Luka messaged her telling her to met him on the park at 1pm.

"Crap!We need to go Tikki!It's 12:53 and we need to get to the park before 1!"Marionette tell's Tikki.Tikki giggles and fly's into one of Marionette's pocket,a hidden one,and start making there way to the park.

"Mari!"Someone shouted to Marionette.She turned around to see that Luka was running towards her.She smiled and waved.

"Hey Luka!"She greeted.He waved back to her and they started to walk the street's of Paris,not really having a destination.


"Yea Mari?"

"Did anything interesting happen will I was away?Alya told me some stuff but there was this feeling that she is keeping something from me"Marionette confessed.Luka looked at her confused.

"Your suicide attempt is talked about a lot you know.After you left they talked about it at school,telling us everything and how you were so close to death because of bulling.Chloe started to get bullied because of it but Alya convinced them that there just as bad as her if they bullied her so they stopped and Chloe soon left and became home schooled because the school didn't want a bully at there school"Luka told her.Marionette looked at him shocked.She didn't now why Alya didn't tell her this but she soon realize she didn't want to talk about the past and what she did to which was understandable.

"Thank's for telling me Luka"Marionette smiled.Luka smiled back and nodded.They continued to walk and,with them realizing,they started to hold hand's.Marionette felt the happiest she felt after she left,but she had more fun with Chat.She missed him,she really did but she need's to forget him like he did with her.She need's to forget the promise and all the fun they did,even if he did save at some point's,she need's to forget and move on.Soon enough it started to get dark and time for the two to depart.

"Thank's for today Luka!I had fun"Marionette,a little blush on her check's.Luka smiled at her.

"It's okay Marionette!I'm just glad your back"Luka said and without warning,Luka kissed Marionette and ran of waving and smiling.

I had to do that for DRAMA!

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