Chapter 5| Envelope

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It was a wrapped black envelope. On it was written To: Y/N Riddle, From: Mother. I didn't know if this was Mrs. Riddle or Mrs. Granger but I have to look. As I began to open my letter i felt my body being shook. "Let's go we've got to go to our flying lesson!" she exclaimed. "Okay I'll meet you there, can I open my mail!" I said. "NO, we have to go now, we only have three minutes to get there c'mon we've got to run!" she said.

We ran to flying lesson and were greeted with harry arguing with draco in the air. I walked up to Hermione. "What's going on?" I asked. "Why are you late?!" She asked. "I got a letter from someone, now what's going on!" I said.

"Neville fell off his broom during lessons, draco took his rememberall and is going to the it somewhere" she said. I didn't know Neville but I saw Harry fighting for something against a fellow Slytherin. I grabbed a broom and prepared to take off. "Y/N! You can't Professor Hooch said no one can go in the air or they get expelled!" Hermione said. "Well, it's better than not having friends!" I said taking off.

I wasn't very good at it but I was able to keep it steady enough. "What are you doing here?" Draco said. "Just give him the stupid ball draco, stop being ridiculous" I said. "Fine!" He said throwing the ball on the roof. Harry took off and Draco flew back down.

I looked down and saw Hermione pointing to the ground as she held up her wand. I assumed she could do anything to me with reading all of those books and decided to fly back down. "Good Choice!" She said. I placed the broom back on the ground and saw Harry flying back down. Everyone gathered around him cheering.

I went to join but was grabbed by Pansy. "Look, I know he's your friend but if the other Slytherins see you doing that you'll be dead meat, trust me!" She said. Professor McGonagall came out and took Harry. Most assumed it was for expelling, so did I. I don't know what he was called in for.

I went with the rest of my Slytherin house everyone was headed back to the common room. As we came in the room I headed straight up to my room and grabbed my letter. I was checking to make sure I wasn't followed before I read it. And then I opened the letter.

Dear Y/N,

I know you must think this is from Mrs. Granger, but it's not. My name is Belatrix Lestrange. I am your mother. I didn't ever want to tell you this because I knew when I looked in your eyes you were nothing like me and your father. So I left you at a random doorstop.

Me and your father were never married or together it was a fling, I gave you his last name, because I didn't want a child. So I shouldn't even write this as your mother but I thought I should. Just so you know who your mother actually is. I'll never see you as my child so this is the only time I'll allow the word mother. And Tom doesn't know you exist and we'll keep it that way.

You're a Granger not a Riddle, and no one knows any different! Your father will never believe you and I will never tell him because I'm ashamed, so you're forever a Granger!!

                                            ~ Belatrix Lestrange
I wasn't accepted anywhere. My own mother even regrets having me. And my father doesn't even know I exsist. I felt a tear fall down my face until a thumb wiped It away. "What's wrong?" Draco asked.

"Yeah, like you care I said standing up. "You're a Slytherin, family, so I do care!" He said very sincere. "You really do, don't you?" I said. He nodded his head. "It's just a dumb letter I was reading, I got caught up and it was just depressing but in fine now.

He came close and grabbed my face. "You're not okay, no one cries over a stupid letter, who was it from?" He asked. "I don't wanna answer that question right now, we don't know each other well so I don't wanna share that much right now" I said taking his hands and placing them at his sides. "Okay, meet me in the fields tomorrow we can get to know each other!" He said smiling. I looked at him questioning if I should.

"Oh come on what am I gonna do to you i just wanna chat!" He said. "Okay but we chat in the library, again I don't know you well enough to be alone with you!" I said. "We're alone now" he said. "Okay but I mean for serious getting to know you chatting okay Malfoy" I said. "Okay fine, meet me in here and then we'll walk to the library together after classes!" He said walking out.

I was curious about why he was so interested in knowing me. He hasn't asked anyone else from my knowledge. I'm not going to question it. I headed out of the room into the halls when i saw Hermione,Ron, and Harry running towards me. "Guess what?!" Hermione said.

"What?" I asked. "I made the quidditch team!!" Harry exclaimed. "That's great" I said smiling. "We're gonna help him practice tomorrow after classes wanna come?" Ron asked. "I actually would love to, but I already have plans" I said.

"What're you doing?" Hermione asked. "Someone invited me to chat at the library" I said knowing they hated Draco. "Pansy?" Ron asked. "No" I said. "Well who then, that's the only person you've talked to" Hermione said.

"Why does it matter?" I said. "Because I don't wanna have to follow you to figure it out!" Hermione said. "Now spill!" She said. "Fine, Draco asked if I wanted to hang out with him, and I said yes to chatting with him" I said. "Really.." Harry said.

"Yes, and I'm going to go chat with someone and make some new friends!" I said walking past the group. I heard them yelling for me to come back but I didn't. I went outside and sat by a lake for a few about an hour and then headed back inside. I walked past where they were, it was empty. I went to the girls dorm room and fell asleep more peaceful than last night. Slytherin wasn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

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