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After a fight, Draco will have his friends make fun of you. When they push you far enough, he swoops in and makes you feel dependent on him comforting you. He's a manipulative little twat.
Cedric Diggory
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After a fight, Cedric gives you the silent treatment. Whether you are in the wrong or not, he avoids you for fear that this time he'd gone too far.
Ron Weasley
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After a fight, Ron complains to Harry and Hermione about how difficult and stubborn you are. However, the more he talks it out, the more he realizes how he is in the wrong.
Harry Potter
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After a fight, Harry speaks to Sirius for advice. Much of the time he doesn't understand how the fights start and always feels horrible about how they end.
Oliver Wood
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Oliver wood, being a year above you, is always very mature about your disagreements. He'll immediately begin to solve the problem with non-combative words. Usually ends in sex tbh.