My eyes open and the sun is the first to greet me. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something feels wrong. Like a part of me is missing. When I sit up in bed I notice I'm already dressed for class, perhaps last night I'd never changed for bed.
"Awake?" Hermione asks, sitting down loudly.
"What day is it?" I ask groggily.
"Thursday. You can't be hungover, Y/N! I swear I told Draco to be careful," she scolds to herself.
"That bad, huh? Well in potions today I'll make you something for the pain. Take the day to stay and rest. I'll collect you for dinner later," she says as she leaves.
(Dinner Time) I walk through the halls with Hermione, the sound of our shoes clacking against the cool surface puts me into a trance. A voice in my head whispers to me comfortingly: "I know you won't remember me, but I've done this because I love you. You're the only thing in this world I've ever loved".
"What's wrong?" Hermione questions, bringing me back to the present. I look around and notice I'd frozen in my spot.
"N-nothing, just a thought. It's nothing," I smile as convincingly as I can.
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. Let's go or Ron will have my head for keeping you away from him longer than needed!" I joke, pulling her by the hand into the dining room.
"You're not going to sit with Draco?" Hermione sits on Ron's lap to give him a kiss, and looks up at me expectantly.
"No. Why would I do that?"
Ron and Hermione exchange suspicious glances with Harry before Hermione rises to her feet. "I'll just be a moment..." she says and storms over to the Slytherin table.
Still curious about who this 'Draco' she keeps mentioning is, I follow. "What do you think you're doing, Malfoy?! You have no right!" She yells at a lanky boy with moonlit hair.
"Lower your voice, Hermione. I can't explain this to you here," he replies. His voice was the same as the one in my head I'd heard earlier. The boy pulls Hermione out of the room and into the hallway. I follow just behind them, my heart thumping out of my chest.
"Look, I'm a death eater now. I know you don't approve so save me the judgmental look. I did a selective memory spell on Y/N. She remembers everything she did before I'd done it... except me. She's my home, Hermione. I won't let anyone destroy that, not even myself".
"You don't have that right!" I yell, stepping out from behind the wall. Draco turns around quickly and his eyes meet mine, saddening at the sight of me. Hermione sighs and leaves, patting my back comfortingly as she goes.
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"Y/N, you hate me. Everything that happened was a mistake. I regret us".
"You're lying, Draco. I heard everything you said. Your execution of the spell was bloody awful by the way, I've had memories coming back to me since I woke up this morning". He walks towards me, shaking his head.
"You need to let me protect you. You're all I have," he says under his breath. He stumbles back when I reach out to touch him and a small sob escapes my lips.
"I don't need your protection, I can take care of myself. But I need you. Those memories you took from me, I want them back. Now," I demand, his eyes finally meeting mine. "Please".
Draco walks comes closer hesitantly, his wand in his hand. I grip onto his shirt and he presses his forehead against mine. As he casts the spell and the memories flood back, I feel tears running down my cheeks. But they're not mine. The spell was done and my heart felt complete again. My head spinning with visions of the boy I loved above all else, resulted in my legs giving out. Draco's arms wrap around my waist and the bend of my knees and carrying me bridal-style, he brings me back to my room.
"You're right. You don't need my protection. I need yours," he mumbles, kissing my forehead and closing the door quietly as he leaves.