- Fuck Off, Bastard -

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- Chapter 1 -

"What's this?"

A silhouette of a lady was laying down on the bed with a puff of smoke escaping her lips while the ash was dropped into the ash tray She wrapped her lips back onto the cigarette inhaling the carbon dioxide into her lungs She stared at the clock
'12:00 am' Her eyes flickered with excitement She pressed her foot against the cigarette throwing it in the trash where her other cigarettes lie She pushed herself off the bed slightly wrinkling the sheets As her eyes stared at the view Her lips formed into a smile as the stars started to form into a line arranging the biggest to the smallest She pressed her hands against the window her breath hitting the class then a vibration popped up in her back pocket She knew that it was her phone She unlocked the screen then saw a text message from her mother

Mother: Sent at 12:03 am

"Happy 16th birthday Zura!" -Mother

Zura stared at the phone knowing that the message was a lie Her mother didn't love her at all The only reason Her mother sent that was because She had been strapped to a chair with wires connected to it making her into a emotionless person the person behind all of that was the one who programmed all of this Zura  was surprised why they even made the effort to sent it to her Zura  sighed and threw her phone on the bed leaving the notifications to blow up

Zura grabbed her diary from her drawer then started writing

'Dear diary, It's Itazura here, or you can call me Zura. I'm so glad that I'm turning 16, not. But the stars had lined up for me like they do every time on my birthday I'm surprised no one's ever noticed maybe because the only people out there who are awake on 12:00 am are drunk bastards and drug addicts I can't believe the government is still doing "tests" on my mother but I'm not sad about it She treated me like shit so she needs to get payback Sadly I had to make money on my own because my father well, let's just say Him and my mother had a one night stand. I worked at the mall in a clothes shop as a cashier for about 3 years and yes I did start my job when I was 13 years old but I looked like a 16 year old and I still do today But I always had to have my black hair tied into a tight pony tail and my purple eyes always had the same sight over and over well that's about it for my diary.'

Zura shut the notebook and put it back into a drawer She turned on the TV to see if anything exciting was on so she picked her the remote Her thumb pressed against the next button over and over as Zura tried to find an interesting channel Suddenly the door bell rang Confusion built up in her body as it rang again but twice

"I- Uh, Coming!" She yelled and put down the remote down

Zura stood on her tippy toes looking through the peep hole but not a single soul was there Her eyes furrowed but decided to open the door anyway Zura stepped out and heard a piece of paper crunch at the bottom of her feet Her eyes dart towards the noise to see a letter beneath her feet

"What's this?"

"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt