- Fuck off, Bastard -

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- Chapter 2 -

"Moving in?"
Zura stepped out and heard a piece of paper crunch at the bottom of her feet Her eyes dart towards the noise to see a letter beneath her feet

"What's this?"

Zura grabbed the letter under her feet seeing patterns scattered across the envelope a sticker was placed to close the envelope to not spill out the letter that was hidden inside it Zura quickly went back into her apartment eager to know what lies inside the letter She quickly closed the door behind her then plopping onto her bed She tore out the sticker flipping the envelope open to reveal a piece of paper with cursive hand writing
She pulled the letter out throwing the envelope to the floor She squinted her eyes while turning on her lamp that lightened up her room Zura rubbed her eyes trying to get used to the sudden change of brightness She blinked a few couple of time until her vision started clearing so she court read the letter Her vision was back to normal so She started reading

'Dear Miss Itazura Yatasukai We have the need to inform you that you are moving into the Sakamaki Mansion My sons will be taking care of you since I see you are like in a small apartment and clearing living alone without any parents or guardian So we decided to let you move in into or household since your father, who is a very close friend of mine, Told me to do it. Since you are his daughter am I correct? You will be moving in 2 weeks hopefully that'll be enough time for you to pack up and get ready when the day of you moving in a limousine will be picking you up at 11:00 am sharp, Thank you and Farewell'

Zura couldn't believe what she was reading So many questions were buzzing through her mind how did her father know about her? Why did her father do it? Who is this person sending me this letter? She shook off the questions and started to make a check list preparing everything

- 2 weeks later -

Zura grabbed her suitcase filled with her clothes with a backpack hanging off one of her shoulders filled with electronics and chargers She ran down the stairs not wanting to be late for the Limousine She looked at her watch to see that it was 11:56 am Zura finally got to the lobby giving in her keys to the landlord and running to the front waiting for the limousine
She tapped her feet whistling a little tune she made up A car parked infront of her it was long and it was a silvery black with gold for the handles
The window rolled down to reveal a Chauffeur with a bored looking face saying

"Itazura Yatasukai?" He asked with a monotone face

Zura nodded as the chauffeur motioned her to come in She nodded and put her suitcase in the trunk and backpack along with her into the limousine Zura tapped the Chauffeur turned his head around while an annoyed look started to form onto his face

"I- Uhm, how long will this ride be?" Zura asked nervously

The Chauffeur replied with

"About 2 hours"

Zura nodded and plugged in her earphones filling her ears with heavy metal Her eyes started to get heavy so Zura took off her earphones placing them into her backpack while she drifted off into sleep as the car continues to drive its way towards the Sakamaki Mansion

- 2 hours later -

Zura fluttered her eyes open to see a big mansion surrounded by a forest while a gate was opened by itself She stared with amazement There's no way that this could be the place she was moving to Zura got off the Limo thanking the Chauffeur getting her suitcase from the trunk

The limo drove away while Zura walked towards the Mansion doors but each step she took her chest started to get heavy while anxiety was slowly creeping up her back The Mansion gave off eerie vibes A water droplet fell on her nose She looked up to see the sky starting to get cloudy So she ran towards the doors slamming them open to reveal a beautifully structured room


"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Where stories live. Discover now