- Fuck Off, Bastard -

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- Chapter 7 -

"He pushed my buttons, that's all"


Shu was left with blush that covered his cheeks He ruffled his blonde hair then followed Zura

"Damn, She's tempting"

Zura swayed her hips slightly teasing Shu unintentionally She walks past the students who had their eyes wide
while the Sakamaki brothers followed behind her

'She seems to have so much power'

'Why is she with the Sakamaki brothers?'

'Is She a new student?'

Whispers were echoing off the hallway Zura kept her head high as she slowly stopped infront of a brunette girl with green eyes
Zura smirked and asked the girl

"What's your name?" Zura smiled softly

The brunette girl smiled back and replied

"It's Cody, Cody Warui" Cody crossed her arms "What's yours?"

"It's Itazura Yatasukai, You can just call me Zura" Zura replied then continued "We'll cause trouble together tomorrow 12:30 pm sharp, don't forget"

And with that Zura went up to Reiji leaving Cody to scurry off Reiji stared down at Zura with an annoyed look while handing her the schedule She stared at the schedule as she slowly looked up at Shu. Her eyes glinted with mischief Zura spun her heels towards the music room and walked off as if nothing happened


It was 10:30 am and Zura was sitting in the piano inhaling the smoke from her cigarette She was twirling her jet black hair around her index finger while her purple orbs were a tiny bit squinted Zura heard the door slide open She whipped her head and saw Shu with his ocean eyes traveling around Zura's body and curves
She clicked her tongue then crossed her legs Zura tapped the end of the cigarette letting ash fall onto the wooden floor She sighed then scrunched up the cigarette in her hand then lazily stared at Shu

"What do you want Shu?" Zura crossed her arms

"You" Shu pinned her up against the wall

Zura bit her lip then looked away but no blush was formed onto her cheeks
Shu then slowly nibbled onto her earlobe Zura chuckled then pushed Shu off of her

"I'm not that easy, Think again Sakamaki~" Zura flirtatiously winked at Him

Her movements were even quicker than Shu. Zura had a firm grip on Shu's wrists while his back was pinned against the wall Her knee was between his legs Zura left a trail of butterfly kisses down his jawline all the way to his collarbone Shu but his lip trying to hold in any moans escaping his mouth

"Tch, Pathetic vampire" Zura let Shu go and walked out of the class

Shu stood there while he breathed heavily his hand was on his chest as he blushed hard

"What kind of Bride is she?" Shu breathed out


Zura walked into class with all eyes on her The teacher slightly looked her way

"Ah! Miss Yatasukai! Please introduce yourself!" The teacher smiled

Zura squinted her eyes to see that the teacher was faking a smile it was extremely obvious how could anyone let that pass by?

"Mrs. Atoma, You really don't need to fake a smile. I can handle teachers who don't like me" Zura smirked as a small gasp escaped Mrs. Atoma's lips

The students looked from side to side while confusion sizzles through their eyes Mrs. Atoma already left the room with a hand covering her mouth

"Ah! Now that the teacher is gone I can introduce myself! I'm Itazura Yatasukai, Or you can just call me Zura I don't really give a shit. I do recommend not to push my buttons~" Zura smiled while the devil swirls through her eyes

Zura slowly walked to the back of the eerie silent class as her sneakers rub against the polished wooden floor Mrs. Atoma peeked her head by the door She scanned her eyes around the classroom hoping that Zura wasn't there but Sadly she was there with a grin that sent chills down your spine which felt like needles slowly digging into your skin

"Let's get class started, Shall we?"


Zura grabbed her backpack then walked out of the class She slid the door close while a frustrated sigh escaped her mouth Zura felt stares tracing around her body She whipped her head around to see the students staring at her with fear bouncing off the edges of their pupils Zura scowled then pulled her locker door open She stuffed her books into it then taking out a pack of cigarettes with a lighter in her other hand right when Zura turned around A veiny hand was slammed right next to her head by the locker beside her
Zura looked up to see a male with a shit eating grin placed upon his face He had messy chestnut brown hair along with his green eyes piercing through her purple ones

"I'm Aaron, what's yours cutie?" The make named Aaron asked

Zura crossed her arms then replied

"I've seen you in my class, Didn't you listen to my introduction about me?" Zura smirked then pulled his face closer to hers

"Damn, baby I didn't know you would be all over me just like that" Aaron wrapped his arms around her waist then slowly backed her up onto the locker

Zura still had a smirk plastered onto her face

"Hmm" Zura hummed in satisfaction "I knew that you weren't that smart, but I didn't know that you were that idiotic" She pushed Aaron away then started walking

"Why you little!-" Aaron's yelling was cut off by his yelling

Zura knew what she had coming so she spun then gripped the wrist of Aaron. Zura twisted his elbow then kneeing him in the crotch but she wasn't done yet, Zura grabbed Aaron by his hair then slamming his head towards the metal lockers He fell onto the cold hard marble floor with a pool of blood surrounding his head

"Miss Yatasukai! How could you?!" The teacher screamed from the end of the hall

Zura rolled her eyes then peacefully walked off with a hidden smile formed onto her face

"What the hell was that for?!" Ayato came running towards Zura

She shrugged her shoulders then said

"He pushed my buttons, that's all"

"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Where stories live. Discover now