- Fuck off, Bastard -

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- Chapter 4 -


"Now, if you excuse me! Reiji, take me to my room! I don't want to deal with any of these guys especially Ayato and Subaru" Zura scoffed

Reiji nodded and lead her to her room

"This bride is gonna be hard to handle"

Reiji twisted the doorknob then pushed the door open then revealing a room with Zura's favourite colours Grey, Pastel yellow and white Zura walked in hesitantly fearing that the room was a trap each step she took her stomach dropped lower and lower She slowly placed her backpack onto the bed looking back at Reiji now gone Zura slammed the door shut and locking it so she could have her privacy She looked around the room and saw a drawer next to her bed Curiosity filled up her mind while she approach the drawer She wrapped her fingers around the handle then pulling it opening the drawer to reveal a small wooden box with a piece of paper attached underneath Her hands shakily pick up the box followed with the piece of paper dangling under it She flipped open the top to reveal a small picture of her mother giving birth to her Zura squinted her eyes There was a black silhouette in the corner with a knife in its hand as if it was ready to attack The piece of paper was next She saw a phone number written on it with the name 'Austen Yatasakai' Zura's mind instantly clicked to her father that she hadn't met before wondering if the man in the corner was her father watching Her life to begin But then a thought came up 'Was my father trying to kill me..?' Tears slid down Her pale cheeks then falling onto the piece of paper Zura grabbed her phone and started to dial the number

"Please pick up" Zura murmured

She prayed for the number to ring and beg for someone to pick it up the number could've been out of date for god who knows? Her father could've already gotten a new phone in that long period amount of time Zura shut her eyes tight waiting for a voice

'Hello who is this?' A male voice spoke up

Zura's eyes widened then held back her sobbing then asked

"I-Is this Austen Yatasakai..?" She said shakily trying not to drop her phone

'Yes and Why did you call me?' The voice started to become angry by his tone

Zura then replied with

"Father...It's me Itazura Yatasakai" Her sobbing couldn't be let in anymore

'This can't be- I thought Your mother killed you!'

Zura dropped her phone sobbing uncontrollably then dropping to her knees hugging her forearms Her father soon hanged up then her phone went back to her home screen She picked up her phone staring at it with red puffy eyes then throwing it across the room then gripping her head staring down at the floor The picture from the wooden box fell onto her thigh Zura grabbed the picture and stared at it in Anger She heard someone sit on the bed Zura whipped her head towards the person to see Ayato watching her tears fall to the soft carpet leaving marks Her puffy red eyes glaring at Him Zura trembles facing away from him crying some more as Ayato felt sympathy wash through his body His thirst for her blood disappears feeling as if he wanted to wrap his arms around her and comfort her

"Tell me, Why did my father want to kill me! You have his number, you bastard and you act like you're clueless!" Zura yelled at Ayato still facing away from Him

Ayato seemed to be silent not wanting to reply Zura stood up and faced him Her purple orbs glistening with tears as her hands were balled into fists

"...Tch, this is useless." Ayato stood up and left the room

Zura growled threw the wooden box at him along with the picture inside

"Fine! Take this stupid thing out of my fucking life! You bastards didn't even tell me about my father! Piss off" Zura shouted at Ayato

When she heard the door slam She grabbed her pack of cigarettes along with her phone and earbuds then searching somewhere that has peace and silence


"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Where stories live. Discover now