- Fuck off, Bastard -

455 9 2

- Chapter 5 -

"Not normal"



When she heard the door slam She grabbed her pack of cigarettes along with her phone and earbuds then searching somewhere that has peace and silence

Zura found a door with chains and a lock on the floor in front of it Her body didn't seem to care so She pushed the door open and saw a room filled with jewelry and books with a balcony and the view of the moon A couch with red silk while a picture hovers above it Zura walked out to the balcony as the breeze caressed her hair and her eyes squint a bit while she leans over the bars taking a deep breath then exhaling leaving some stress behind She took out a cigarette lighting it up then putting it on her lips She put on the earbuds then playing some music Zura blows a puff of smoke as the music flows through her ears as more comes along She closed her eyes engulfing the scent of nature She holds the cigarette between her middle and index finger then slips it between her mouth once again but lightly coughing Zura felt someone nudge her so she flinched and saw Shu staring at her with his ocean blue eyes Zura shrugged and continued smoking

"Aren't you scared of us?" Shu's voice rang into Zura's ears

She shakes her head tapping her finger on the cigarette dropping the ash Shu hummed and pinned her against the wall

"How about now..?" He stared deeply into her eyes waiting for fear to erupt

Zura smirked and whispered in his ear

"Nice try but try harder, I've seen many things in this world and you're not as scary" She nibbled on his ear

Shu's grip loosened giving time for Zura to slip away and leaving Shu confusingly scared


Shu walked down the hall with his earbuds hanging off his shoulders his eyes were shot open He pushed the door open to the dining room then limping towards his seat The brothers all stared at him as shock slowly started to form on their faces Shu grabbed his knife and fork then stabbing his steak then cutting it popping a piece into his mouth

"Shu what's going on?" Ayato asked

Shu shook his head shivering while he replayed the scene just happened to him Shu dropped his utensils then gripped the table cloth this was very unlikely for him to do

"Itazura...She's not normal, She's not a human being. Itazura doesn't act like one, She's been traumatized We can't break her" Shu said with fear in his voice

Right there, The door slammed open to reveal Zura walking in with a cigarette in her mouth Shu got up and left the dining table Zura crushed the cigarette and stuffed it into her pocket The brothers stared suspiciously at her Zura growled

"Mind your fucking business" Zura's eyes turned dark

Fear ran through the brothers they finally knew what Shu was talking about She could create fear without even trying Laito couldn't accept this so he slid his hand up her arm

"So, Doll-Chan~ Your blood seems very intriguing, I can't wait to play with you~" His breath trailed down her neck

Zura stared deeply into his green catlike eyes that were filled with infinite lust She softly grabbed Laito's chin pulling him close to her face and said

"If you want to play. we could play, but how about we make it more fun? Maybe adding some daggers could be fun~" Zura smirked pushing his face away

All the brothers had one thought running through their minds

"She's not normal"

"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Where stories live. Discover now