- Fuck Off, Bastard -

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- Chapter 6 -

"Damn, She's tempting"

All the brothers had one thought running through their minds

"She's not normal"

After one painfully awkward dinner Zura was in the rose garden watching the water fountain The night sky lit up her eyes She sat by the water fountain listening to its sound something brushed against her leg it was a strange texture She looked down to see something red and green

"A rose...?" Zura muttered hesitant to grab it

She grabbed it and was surprised to see that the rose didn't have any thorns Zura grabbed her earbuds then shoving them into her ears then started playing 'Sick boy' by the Chainsmokers

"Oi, what the hell are you doing here?" A voice of anger erupted out of thin air

Zura growled and saw Subaru with his hands balled into fists Zura shrugged her shoulders completely ignoring his presence She took out a cigarette from her pocket then lighting it up right when she was about to put the cigarette into her mouth Subaru said this

"What are you?" He asked curiously

Zura furrowed her eyebrows turning her attention towards Subaru. Panic rummaged through Zura's mind Her cigarette was dropped into the water fountain turning the water slightly grey Mist started to form around them She stood up then grabbed Subaru's collar in a blink of an eye

"That's for me to know and for you to figure out" Zura tightened her grip on Subaru's collar slightly turning him blue

She shoved him away then dug her hands into her pockets with her long black hair flowing ever so slightly while her purple orbs were built with anger The light of the mansion created a scary looking shadow behind Zura. Subaru wasn't facing her but he stared at the rose and cigarette as fear that was never felt before scattered around his body

Zura walked into the mansion then continuing her path to her room She opened the door and plopped onto her bed releasing a big sigh She buried her face into a white fluffy pillow gripping the sides of it Her pale skin started to get red. Hot liquid streamed down her face

"What the hell..." She mumbled into the pillow

Zura felt clothes get thrown into her back She shot up to see a blushing Subaru scratching his neck in embarrassment Zura rolled her eyes shooing Subaru away not wanting to deal with him Zura heard him sigh in frustration then leaving the room She rubbed her temples then started down at the clothes

"A school uniform?" She asked herself

Zura grabbed it then went up to a mirror her blank stare soon changed into a disgusted one Zura huffed then threw the school uniform across the room She grabbed an outfit that's extremely different from the school uniform then put it on Zura had an army printed jacket with some fur on the edge of the hood

"This shit better be good for school" Zura muttered and walked out of the room


She walked out of the mansion and towards the Limo Zura slammed the Limo door when she got in then crossed her arms The brothers awkwardly stared away from her

"Zura, may I ask you why aren't you wearing the school attire?" Reiji asked with deadly glare

"No, you cannot ask me that" Zura huffed then clicked her tongue

Ayato was holding in laughter by covering his mouth but his eyes said it all Shu was biting his lip showing his fangs Zura stared at Shu with a hint of lust in her eyes Shu looked at her with a confused stare Zura smirked

"We're here" Subaru said

Zura nodded and walked out but stopped when she got infront of Shu

"Shu, you're hot. Stop that" Zura chuckled and winked

Shu was left with blush that covered his cheeks He ruffled his blonde hair then followed Zura

"Damn, She's tempting"

"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Where stories live. Discover now