- Fuck Off, Bastard -

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- Chapter 9 -

"I kissed a girl"

Subaru smiled to himself then thought

"How could a woman like her make such a peaceful scene?"

Zura walked into her room as her feet were pressed against the carpet floor the cold air ripples through her jacket as some sweat was trickling down her neck she had ashes from her previous cigarette clinging onto her palm A sigh escaped her lips. She laid down onto the bed then shut her eyes closed until the sun rises

Zura heard her door slam open and heard a person cursing under their breath. She felt them sit at the end of her bed and sighed frustratingly

"Oi, wake up!" She knew exactly whose voice that was

Zura fluttered her eyes open then slowly got up to see the red-head staring at her with annoyance. Zura rolled her eyes then went to go change but she was pinned down onto the bed by Ayato

"Hey! What the hell are you doing- Agh-" Zura was suddenly washed with the feeling of pain

Ayato had his fangs pressed into the side of Zura's neck as blood started to trickle down his bottom lip but he moaned out in pleasure while Zura winced then struggled to get free So she dug her nails into Ayato's wrists He pulled away along with a smirk of satisfaction spread across his lips Zura backed up onto the headboard of the bed with tears starting to sliding down her cheeks. Ayato suddenly felt a burning sensation in his mouth as if a fire erupted in it. Ayato gagged and ran towards the bathroom. Zura laid there as a sudden feeling of coldness runs through her veins. She shivers and tightly wraps the blanket over her body. Zura stares at Ayato with worry but then shrugs it off.

"What the hell?! Your blood is like a cigarette placed into my mouth!" Ayato yells then continues to splash water in his mouth

"Don't blame me! YOU'RE the one who wanted my blood! So piss off you bloody bastard!" Zura scoffed and balled her hands into fists

Ayato growled then teleported to Zura grabbed her by the sleeve and slithered his hands around her waists pulling her closer with a intense glare piercing through her purple orbs Zura rolled her eyes then looked away Ayato buried his face into the crook of her neck

"Your scent, so sweet but sour. What are you? You aren't human" Ayato whispered in Zura's ear

Zura darkly chuckled

"I'm something you don't wanna know"

The Sakamaki brothers and Zura day in the Limo with complete silence Zura took out her phone then popped in her earbuds. She closed her eyes and left the melodies engulf her consciousness. Zura felt an uneasy stare trail along her resting body, she opened one of her eyes to see Ayato biting his lips with his arms crossed his green catlike eyes were swirling around in lust and confusion. Zura stuck her tongue out at him then huffed in annoyance. She looked at Shu and Subaru shooting daggers at Ayato

"She's mine, I'm the one who had the most interaction" Shu's voice popped out of nowhere

Subaru clicked his tongue with a dust of pink spread across his cheeks at trailing up towards his ears

"Fuck off, Bastard"  [DIABOLIK LOVERS]Where stories live. Discover now