The First Time

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Cyrus was walking out of the school library carrying books, but while looking down and not really paying attention to where he's going, he bumps into someone who he hasn't seen before.
Third Person POV

"Ughhh!" Cyrus groans, complaining about how solving for x should be easy, but he somehow finds it to be a bit complicated.

When he decided to give up for solving for x, he stood up, packed all his stuff, well except for his math book and binder since it won't fit in his book bag, and made his way to exit of the building.

He accidentally bumps into someone while walking, since he's not paying attention to where he's going. He's just looking down at the solid floor, trying to avoid eye contact from everyone who's in the library.

"Woah, be careful next time, buddy!" The guy exclaimed.

"I'm sorry," Cyrus replies.

"Here, let me help you pick your stuff," the other guy said.

Cyrus smiled and says, "thank you."

Just as they were about to stand up, they saw each other's faces, and they had a quite long eye contact.

Just as they realized what was happening between them, they got very awkward.

"I'm so sorry," Jonah says while chuckling. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, um, C-Cyrus," Cyrus says, nervous. He's never been nervous being around with guys before.

"Nice meeting you, Cyrus! I'm Jonah!"

"N-nice meeting you too!"

"Well, I guess we should see each other then?"

"Yeah! I mean, it's up to you."

"Oh! You know what we should do? We should give each others' phone numbers! So in that way, if we don't see each other again, we could still stay in touch."

"Oh, o-okay."

Both boys gave each others' phone numbers, and Jonah said, "well, I guess this is goodbye, for now. Goodbye, Cy-guy!"

"Bye, J-Jonah..." Cyrus says.

Jonah waved, then winked.

Nobody has ever given him a nickname before, even a wink. This just made Cyrus's heart fluster, thinking about the fact that some cute stranger kid might actually have feelings for him.

A/N: Hey, guys!

So what did you think about this first one-shot? Be completely honest!

Also, I only have gotten 2 requests so far (one of which is still currently a draft), and if you have one, requests are still open for the next few chapters!

But then again, I hope you all have a great day/night! Love y'all!

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