Teen Dating Etiquettes ~ 1

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Description: Buffy, Andi, and Cyrus are all hanging out at Andishack. Buffy and Andi give Cyrus a few tips and rules on how to make his date with Jonah go well.

Meanwhile, Jonah accidentally comes out to his sister when she asks him who he's going out with.

Three more things to remember while reading this one-shot:
~ Buffy, Andi, Cyrus, and are in they're sophomore year of high school, which means they're all 16. Except for Jonah, he's in his junior year and he's 17.
~ Jonah and Cyrus are not yet official. (They will be, soon.)
~ There will be a part two for this one-shot, so stay tuned for that.


"Okay...rule number one," said Andi, trying to give Cyrus a few rules so that his date with Jonah won't fail. "Always laugh at his jokes, even when it's not funny."

"Rule number two," Buffy added, "always chew with your mouth closed. It's kind of disturbing to see what's going on inside that mouth of yours when eating."

"Rule number three," Andi states, "If you get instantly bored, don't show it to him. If you yawn, turn around and look back at him and say 'I thought a saw a family relative. Must be my imagination, heh.'"

"Okay, guys, I get that you are trying to be supportive to me and my relationship with Jonah, but at least let me do my thing. I'm not your parents," Cyrus complained.

"Oh, alright. But here's one final advice for your date," Andi replies, "If you can't be interesting, then be interested. Guys love to talk about themselves, so just talk about things he likes."

"Now in case all else fails, you are also gonna need a go-to story," Buffy adds.

"Okay I know that I'm gonna hate myself for asking this, but what is a go-to story?" Cyrus questions Buffy.

"It is a story that makes you seem sweet, vulnerable, and lovable, preferrably featuring a small, helpless animal," Andi replies.

"...Yeah, I don't have one of those," Cyrus replies.

"Oh, you can borrow mine! I got it from my friend Angela in Arizona. Now listen...and learn," Buffy says as she fixes her posture while sitting down. She starts fake cracking voices while saying, "I was almost 7. I had begged my parents for months to get me a puppy. Then on my birthday, they got me Mr. Doodles. I took him for a walk, but the collar was too big. He got loose and out of nowhere a car came barreling down the street and—"

"Okay, this is ridiculous!" Cyrus cuts Buffy off. "No one is going to buy this manipulative, ridiculous—"

"Poor, sweet, vulnerable, lovable Buffy!" Andi says, sobbing.

"Go on, I'm listening," Cyrus adds.

And from there, Buffy continues her example of a go-to story to Cyrus, just in case his date with Jonah goes wrong, and he has a backup story to tell.

|~~~~~\•_________•/ ~~~~~|

While Jonah is preparing for his date with Cyrus, his sister, Johanna, comes into his room, checking onto his little brother.

"Hey, watcha' doin'?" She asks him.

"Um, I'm just—well, you know-um- preparing for a date with Cy—someone," Jonah replies, stuttering. He didn't want to mention to his sister that he's dating a fellow dude, because he knows that once his sister finds out, he's going to get teased. A lot.

"I'm sorry, with who?" Johanna asks.

"It's with someone, okay?" Jonah replies while looking at his mirror trying to button the sleeve of the blue flannel that he's wearing.

"Why do you refer to her as a 'someone'? Don't you want to at least let your sister know her name?" Johanna teased.

All throughout Jonah's teenage years, he has had relationships with girls, and only girls. He even had sex with a few of them.

"Look, I just want to arrive early at Cyrus's house before it gets too late." Jonah then realizes what he has accidentally said, and he comes face to face with his sister, who had her mouth opened when she heard the word 'Cyrus'.

"You? Are? Dating a guy? While you're a guy?" Johanna asks.

"You can not absolutely tell mom and dad about this," Jonah begs his sister. "They'd kill me if they find out."

"But that's cute, though!" Johanna retorts. "And...did you know that when I was 5 I begged my parents to make you gay because I wanted to have a cute little gay bro hang out with me?"

"Shut up! Plus, I'm not gay. I'm bisexual. Also, how did you know the meaning of the word gay when you were only 5?"

"Well, first of all, we have a gay uncle, and I stayed at his house one time when I was 4. I asked him why he kissed the man he lives with. Turns out the guy that he kissed was his husband, uncle Jerry. Uncle Jerry is also bisexual and has a son from his first wife that is also gay."

"Oh, I see. But please, please, please...don't tell mom and dad about this, even though they know that uncle Danny is gay. I'm their son, and I know that they wouldn't accept me."

"Hey, don't say that," Johanna says as she sits down on Jonah's bed and motions Jonah to come sit next to her. "Look.. I know what you're going through right now is tough, and I know that you're still on that stage where you're not ready to come out of the closet yet, and is terrified with what's going to happen when you do come out, but when things go wrong...remember that I'm here for you."


"Of course, really! You're my only brother, and even though I hate you, I still love you for the way you are. You are the only Jonah Beck that I know. Despite the fact that there maybe other Jonah Becks in the world but, that doesn't really matter right now."

Jonah chuckles and hugs his sister. "Thank you for sticking up to me."

"Like I said, you are my only sibling, and I'd do everything, and I mean literally everything, just to keep you safe and feel loved no matter what. Even though I hate you."

They both laugh, and Jonah lets go of the hug.

"Well, I guess this is my cue to go," Jonah says.

"Okay. Have fun with Cyrus!" Johanna replies as Jonah walks out of his room.

"I will, thank you!"

"Remember to use protection!" Johanna shouts.

"Shut up!" Jonah shouts back as he runs down the stairs.

Tonight is going to be one of the greatest nights ever, Jonah thought to himself.

But will it be?

Lol over 1000 words. That's a first

But anyways, that's all for today, hope you guys liked this chapter, and if you did, don't forget to vote and/or comment (constructive criticism is GREATLY appreciated)!!

Thanks for reading, see you guys next time, love y'all, BYEEEE!!!

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