(4) The Mirror

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"Just kill me, please." Sunmi groaned as she buried her face in her hands.

It had been a week since the start of the project with the Devil but they hadn't gotten anywhere at all. He wasn't willing to contribute anything to the project, but he sure didn't mind criticising her every idea.

They were still at where they had started while the other students had already conducted some of their interviews and were halfway done with their own projects. It was infuriating with such an uncooperative person in her team.

"I'm going to fail this one." Sunmi muttered dejectedly, shaking her head. "There's no way I'll do good in this project with me being paired with the Devil."

Suho looked at her in concern and frowned. "Do you want me to bring this up to the teachers?" he asked anxiously. "I'm sure something can be done."

"I think it's best not to offend the entire soccer team thank you very much." Sunmi muttered, forcing a grateful grin in Suho's direction. She sighed softly and propped her chin up with her elbows. "If only I wasn't so unfortunate to get him as my partner in the first place."

Suho chuckled softly and sat down beside her while they waited for the other EXO-K members to turn up for school. They were usually the two to reach earliest and Kai was no doubt the latest.

"Take it as training then," Suho suggested. "I'm sure there are worse people out there than Oh Sehun." he comforted.

Sunmi shot Suho a doubtful look and Suho raised both his hands in defeat. "Oh alright, I admit it's kind of hard to find someone like that unless they're a terrorist or murderer, but you get what I mean." He grinned.

Sunmi laughed and shook her head in amusement. Suho smiled when she smiled and he patted her head. "Don't be too stressed about it. You'll always have us five behind your back and we'll help you whenever."

Sunmi raised a brow. "Might I remind you that there's a person called Kim Jong In amongst us?"

Suho faltered and he cleared his throat. "So maybe the four of us would help, and Kai would stand and watch, but you get what I mean again." he grinned. Sunmi burst into peals of laughter and Suho smiled. Sunmi calmed herself down and beamed back at the Student Council President.

Suho was really a nice person. He always made her laugh and she always felt safe when she was around him, knowing he would never do anything bad to her intentionally and betrayal was not on his list. He was just such a dependable person in her life.

A few female girls went over to Suho and distracted him from her. "Sunbae-nim, can you help? A water pipe burst in the level two female's toilet and we don't know what to do!" they were slightly drenched as well.

Suho frowned and immediately shot up from his seat. "I'll be right there, contact the teachers for me." he looked back at Sunmi and she gave a nod. Sending her an occupied smile, Suho rushed off with the girls doing his councilor duties and Sunmi sighed dreamily as he went.

So yes, that was the big fat secret Sunmi was keeping from the rest of the EXO-K boys. They were just so familiar and too bonded like a family that the fact that she had a crush on their leader made everything seem weird. She could tell none of the EXO-K boys even when the degree of closeness she had with them, because she didn't want to ruin their friendship.

Suho never responded to her with anything more than platonic and he didn't give any indication that he liked her more than friends. But whatever, she just liked him.

It was hard not to when he was just so nice and sincere to everyone. He was made the President of the Student's Council for a reason. Even when he didn't hold such a post, he was always helpful and sincere to even the people that usually scoffed him, he was just too kind-hearted for words.

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