(8) Strange New World

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Sehun did return to the class after break, though he looked a little shaken and disorientated.
Sunmi decided that nothing was up with him at all, he was there in class wasn't he?
What remained strange was the conversation she overheard, between Sehun and Jina.
The Devil would NEVER have referred to Jina as his best friend. Brainless chick, yeah. Annoying bitch, oh quite often. But best friend??
And not to mention how he thought it was a big joke when Jina said he had fan girls. Which was totally out of the norm because there was absolutely no freaking way that Oh Sehun didn't know how much he was adored by the girls.
He knew it, he thrived in it, and he was smug about it.
However, the confusion and disbelief on Sehun's face just then was completely genuine. Sunmi didn't think Sehun was that much of an actor even if soccer players were supposedly the "best actors" on the field, out of the other sports.
That aside, Sehun really did seem strange that day.
Sunmi vaguely wondered what happened to him and if she should approach him about their project since the submission date was nearing, but Sehun disappeared immediately after school and she didn't have a chance to ask.
Weird, she thought. But he would return to normal the next day. Wouldn't he?


"Do you think it's possible that Oh Sehun actually contracted some sort of memory loss disease?" D.O. offered. "Which explains his strange behavior today."
The gang were still talking about Sehun even after school, and it seemed that the entire school was caught up in their idol's strange fashion sense and behavior that morning.
Some of the loyal followers were already in Insadong searching for the right type of clothes and glasses to transform into a nerdy appearance the next day, since they deemed the fashion as the next IN thing with Sehun donning the style.
The guys who didn't like Sehun to begin with, were sort of thriving in the embarrassment he caused himself that day.
The girls on the other hand, loved Sehun no matter what so it wasn't a problem altogether.
"I still think my idea is true." Kai clicked his tongue. "Secret Garden in real life. The person in Sehun's body right now isn't Sehun. It's someone else!"
Chanyeol scoffed at the dance machine. "You totally rode off my idea for that one!" He pouted. "Isn't that similar as being possessed? I said it first."
"Yeah but being possessed something like is having your body taken over by a demonic creature while my Secret Garden idea is having two normal people's souls switched." Kai pointed out. "From how the new Sehun is behaving today, it doesn't seem as if he was taken over by a demon."
Sunmi couldn't help but agree. It was the exact same face as the usual Devil Sehun but he didn't give off the devilish vibe at all.
"I know!" Baekhyun clapped his hands and yelled out all of a sudden. His voice rang loud in Chanyeol's ear, who had unfortunately been sitting beside him, and the tall dude almost toppled over in his chair in surprise.
"Maybe, maybe Oh Sehun has a twin?" Baekhyun grinned in triumph at his idea. "Maybe his twin and him sort of changed places and that's why his twin couldn't get used to the Devil Sehun's life."
Oh Baekhyun, you don't know how close you are .
Suho grinned at his friends in interest. "But really, why do all of you think that the Sehun today isn't the original Devil?" He asked curiously. "All of you seem absolutely sure that this Sehun's behavior isn't caused by the Devil."
"LIKE DUH." All four EXO-K boys chorused in unison, even rolling their eyes in unison.
"Today's Sehun was even a little cutesy." Kai snorted. "Could you imagine the Devil being cutesy?"
Sunmi tapped her chin as she considered. No, no she couldn't.
Everyone in school was looking forward to seeing Sehun again the next day, to see if his burst of weirdness was going to last.
The fangirls piled up at the entrance even before the said person appeared, and even the guys were slightly conscious of the people walking into school.
Sunmi was curious as well. Would Sehun come to school in his nerdy get up again or would he return to normal?
The question was never answered however, because Sehun didn't turn up. He was absent for the day even as his fangirls waited hopefully for him as the lessons flew past.
Sunmi's initial curiosity turned into eye-rolling sneers.
"Of course nothing is wrong with the Devil, Sunmi." She muttered to herself. "He must have ditched school today, like he usually did. Isn't that a norm for him?"
"And besides," she continued to herself. "His nerdy get up yesterday could have all been a dare by his stupid friends and it as just a fluke. What you think, that Kai and Chanyeol were right?" She snorted.
"Talking to yourself isn't healthy."
Sunmi spun around and pinked when she saw Suho grinning at her. She consciously curled her hair behind her ear and bit her lip. "You heard that?"
"Not exactly what you were saying but I know you were talking to yourself. As usual." Suho teased. He ruffled her hair and walked over to his desk to pick up his bag. "Why haven't you left? The boys have gone."
Sunmi blinked at her work. "Well....I wanted to finish my essay before I went home but..." She stared at her introductory paragraph. "It seems I better bring it home."

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