(9) The Cause

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The EXO-K boys huddled together after Sunmi finished telling them about what Sehun had said. Even though she rejected to offer help, she couldn't help thinking that his behavior was indeed very out of the ordinary.

She even felt slight guilty for goodness sake, turning down the guy. Guilty towards Oh Sehun, could you even imagine that.

She found herself spilling what she had heard within seconds, relieved to have more brains being racked along with hers.

"He really said that?" D.O. murmured in disbelief. "It really does sound a little believable if you ask me. Ridiculously believable."

Kai scratched his head, twisting this lips deep in thought. "He says that in his memory of the people around him, Lee Jina was his best friend. He was a nerd. Sunmi was the school bully and Suho hyung took drugs." He muttered.

He looked at the boys. "Don't you see? In his world, everyone is the opposite of how they are here in reality. Is that why he was shocked to find he had fangirls?" He wondered.

Baekhyun clicked his tongue. "Or maybe," he reasoned. "This could all be a big fat lie or maybe Oh Sehun is disillusioned." He shrugged.

Suho shook his head. "His little act has made his reputation suffer quite a bit, even though the girls adore him just the same. Don't you think that even if he wanted to prank on Sunmi he wouldn't cause himself the same suffering?" He pointed out. "And besides, he looked for Sunmi first. That in itself is already a miracle."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Sunmi scrunched her brows and let out a groan. "Whether it's the real devil or not, he's still causing me headaches." She mumbled.


"Can anyone tell me how you can get an ester from an alcohol and carboxylic acid?" Teacher Jung questioned.

"Aqueous Hyrocholoric acid and heat!" Sehun's hand shot up in the air.

The students in class looked at each other in wonder while even the teacher looked stumped. "V-very good once again, Sehun. You've been studying hard haven't you?"

Sehun just smiled his little angelic smile. "I study every day, Seongsaengnim."

If it were the old Sehun, Sunmi would have snorted and laughed out loud at the ridiculous notion of the Devil studying. But this wasn't.

"This is the sixth question he got right in a row." Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun. "Holy shit even I didn't know what DNPH stood for."

"Dinitrophenylhydrazine." Baekhyun answered without thinking. "But yeah, it was surprising."

Sunmi nodded to herself at their words. Completely true.

If the Devil wanted to play a trick on her by telling her these lies, would he even bother reading the textbook to seem knowledgeable for his lie?

Because if there was one thing Sunmi knew of the Devil, it was that he had an allergy. To books.

He might have a handsome face and a great talent in sports, but the Devil was one stupid ass. He acted all so great and like he owned the world, but give him a hundred algebraic sums and he would go mad. No kidding.

Would that devil go to such great lengths to complete his lie? It didn't seem plausible.

Sunmi was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't realize it was already break time till Suho tapped her on her shoulder. She jerked up in surprise and caused him to chuckle in amusement.

"Dreaming away again aren't you?" Suho laughed. "I'm glad I'm not the only one whom you do that to."

Sunmi stuck out her tongue at him and pinked. AISH why must he always catch her in her embarrassing moments?

The gang went over to the cafeteria and got out their lunch boxes, the boys digging in with vigor.

The popular crowd went to their popular crowd area and the nerds went to their own side of the cafeteria. The most peculiar thing about it was that Oh Sehun actually voluntarily walked over to the "nerd section" and sat down at an empty table.


The other students sitting in that area gaped at Sehun in shock and astonishment and gasped when Sehun caught them looking and actually...actually SMILED at them.

What. The. Hell.

Sehun continued eating as if this was the most ordinary thing that happened and as if he always sat there in every day of this life.

Sunmi watched as the rest of the soccer members looked at each other in wonder, wondering why their captain was mixing around with the loser crowd.

A few of the soccer boys walked over to Sehun and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hyung, why are you sitting here?" One asked. "Your place is there with us."

Sehun blinked up at them and swallowed his food in a very unflattering manner. "Oh." He looked confused.

"Yeah." Another guy nodded. "Hyung, lets go. You gracing them with your presence is already good enough. Lets go back to our table and have a smoke later." He passed Sehun a cigarette secretly.

Sehun gaped at the cigarette and dropped it as if it was a piece of Pig's Liver or something. "Since when do you guys smoke?" He shrieked.

The boys frowned at each other and one hurried to keep the cigarette before any teacher saw it. "You were the one who introduced us to smoking, hyung." One frowned.

Sehun swallowed when he realized that the entire cafeteria was already staring at him and he shuffled on his spot uneasily.

He suddenly looked like he was on the verge of crying and he ran out of the cafeteria as quickly as he could, leaving the rest of them staring in wonder.

Sunmi knitted her brows at Sehun's behavior. Something was definitely hundred percent wrong. She had to do something about it, and not to mention Sehun had actually approached her for her but she didnt agree. The guilt was nagging at her.

"I wonder why this happened," Suho murmured. "If what Sehun said was true. If he really came from an alternate reality....how did he come over? Where is the original Sehun?"

"I wonder what happened three days ago because that's when he started acting like that." Kai scratched his head.

Three days ago. THREE DAYS AGO.

"Three days ago I had detention with him." Sunmi gasped in realization. Her mind ran through the entire hour of the detention and she finally thought of the hand held mirror that the Ahjusshi had given her.

Black and white, day and night. Switch us opposites by daylight.

Could the mirror be....?

"Guys, I know what caused Sehun to become like this." Sunmi whispered in shock.

"What?" Baekhyun and Chanyeol chorused together.

"Me." Sunmi stared back at them.

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