(11) The Failing Impostor

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Sunmi laid in bed as she stayed up thinking about what had happened.
Everything felt so surreal didn't it? How could there be another world that existed in the mirror? She looked at her reflection in the little hand-held mirror and bit her lip. Now that the mirror had already been used once, it wasn't an enchanted mirror anymore but just an ordinary one.
However that didn't make her value it less. It was still an insanely rare object.
She sort of blamed everything on Han Ahjusshi though. Had the old man told her about what the mirror was exactly about, she wouldn't have read those words aloud. The Devil could have looked at himself in the mirror for a thousand hours and nothing would have happened.
Being stuck in a strange world like this...it must be hard for Sehun.
Sunmi sighed softly as she hugged her pillow to herself. She made up her mind mentally to help Sehun as much as she could, even if she hated the Sehun in their world. Two different people, she had to remind herself.
And then her thoughts trailed off to the other Sunmi on the other side. From what she heard from Sehun to date, that Sunmi was a freaking bitch. No wonder Sehun thought she was about to exort money from him that one time she found him hiding in the bushes.
Did that mean she was a really nice person here since they were supposed to be opposites? Sunmi smiled at the thought.
And then she remembered what Sehun had said that one time too. That Sunmi and the Suho on the other side were dating. The biggest bully of the school and the most-feared gangster leader, dating. What a match made in heaven.
If that was the case, did it mean it was entirely impossible for Suho to like her back in this world? Because if things were supposed to be opposites, the more Suho loved Sunmi over on the other side, the more unlikely it was for Suho to develop affections for her wasn't that how it worked?
Sunmi let out a small sigh again. For once, she let herself imagine what would happen if the Devil hadn't snatched the mirror from her hands that day and it was her who had been transported over to the other side.
She bit her lip as thoughts surfaced. Perhaps Suho would surprise her with bouquets and kisses since they were supposedly dating and in love, right?
Sunmi smiled distractedly. Perhaps if she had been stuck over at the other world, she would have been wholly depressed.
But at the same time not to mention....a little happy.

The next day at school was kind of difficult because Sehun refused to go near the rest of the soccer players at all, stating how terrifying they were looking in their soccer jerseys. Oh Sehun...
Apparently those boys were supposedly the "lower profile" students over at the other world, whereas they were flying high and popular over here. Meh. Even though they say birds of a feather flock together, Sehun didn't bond well with those other boys even though he wasn't that popular himself over there.
Hmmm, if you would just notice how much MORE popular the Devil was compared to his lackeys....if would kind of give you a hint of how much LESS likable Sehun was on the other side compared to them. Right?
Even the not-popular crowd didn't want to mix too closely with the loser crowd, and Sehun unfortunately belonged to the latter. He didn't blame the other boys for pretending not to talk to him when they were clearly having a conversation, just because someone popular walked past. No.
But still, he wasn't ready to become best buddies with these boys even if he was supposedly the captain of the soccer team, with his team members made out entirely of them.
This kind of rendered Sehun a little lost with no one else to follow around at school and he ended up sticking with the EXO-K boys and Sunmi. The boys were gangsters and mean bullies back in his world, so sometimes he had to get used to the image of Suho merely smiling. Gosh was that rare.
However the reminder of how evil the EXO-K boys were back in his world acted as a kind of comfort to Sehun. That meant the crowd he was mixing with was bound to be nice right?
It took a lot of getting used to when everyone was a complete opposite to how they were in his memory. And perhaps one of the most difficult people Sehun had to face was....
"SEHUN OPPA~~~" a sweet voice rang out through the hallway.
Sehun swallowed hard as he stayed rooted to his spot, completely still and unable to move. He heard this particular voice so many times but for it to say his name in such a mushy and sweet tone? NEVER.
"Sehun oppa there you are!" Jina flopped over to Sehun's side and immediately attached herself to Sehun's arm. Kai secretly wondered if she had some sort of allergy to Sehun that made her lose her spine every single time she saw him, which resulted in her utter dependency on Sehun as she practically plastered her entire self on the poor guy.
"I was wondering where were you, you weren't with the soccer boys today." Jina pouted and twirled a strand of hair on her perfectly manicured fingers. Sehun stared at Jina and studied her quietly. Wow this Jina really looked artificial compared to the one at home.
Sehun felt himself stiffen even more as he felt the unnatural contact of Jina's hands on his arm. Hell, the Jina back there never even let him tap her shoulder when he wanted to get her attention.
But putting aside the differences, her face was still the same wasn't it? She was his one and only friend back there and now she was here as well, only not quite.
Sehun felt a surge of tears rushing to his eyes as he looked at his "friend", wanting so much to talk about the difficulties he was facing but not having any means to.
"By the way Sehun oppa, why are you dressing like this all of a sudden? Is it a new trend?" Jina asked curiously, staring at his glasses and gel-plastered-onto-skull hair.
Trend? Sehun blinked in alarm and looked over at Sunmi for help. He never cared about trend, how would he know?
"Some of the girls are already frantically buying these oversized glasses." Jina continued. "It's the hipster trend isn't it? I never knew it was going to get so popular. But since oppa is following this trend I'm sure it'll be a hit."
Sehun felt his mind whirling in confusion. As much as he knew he was in an alternate reality, or so called, it was still difficult to stomach the image of his best friend who had once loved books more than anything, to this plastic doll that was talking about the latest fashion.
He discreetly turned over to Sunmi and mouthed a single word. "Help!"
He saw the sides of Sunmi's lips twitch up in an amused grin and he wanted to storm over to her to wipe it off! What was so funny! He was at a loss here!
And then Sunmi turned away, pretending she was about to leave him in the lurch and Sehun felt his face fall. He didn't know how to handle this! Especially how a crowd of girls were gathering around him, wanting to listen to his fashionista tips while Jina fended them off like a tigress. The situation was too much for him to bear.
And then Sunmi stopped in her tracks and turned around, sighing softly. She warped her face to the sternest she could manage and glared at Sehun. He nearly backed away in surprise at the sudden change in expression. Women, they all say.
"Yah Oh Sehun, will you please hurry up? We have that project to finish!" She barked.
Project? Sehun blinked in confusion at her lie. However, that lie was apparently very believable as all the girls sighed in resignation and backed away from him.
"That stupid project." Jina hissed as she let go of Sehun's arm. "It's all Teacher Jung's fault."
Sehun blinked in wonder as he successfully untangled himself from the masses of girls and he quickly rushed over to Sunmi who was already stalking away without him.
"What in the world was that?" Sehun whispered, amazed. "Did you make that up?"
Sunmi gave him a look. "Lets just say I'm a little more unfortunate than ordinary people."
"Hi Sehun oppa!"girls chorused as Sehun passed them in the hallways. Sehun smiled back politely and did a small wave. "Hi."
"Ohmyfreakinggod did you see that? He actually responded!" The girl shrieked loudly. "I think he likes me for real! I must plan our wedding immediately!"
Sehun stiffened in alarm and swallowed. Since when did a single simple hi result in something so much more?
Kai rolled his eyes and steered Sehun away, shaking his head in amusement. "Just stare straight and ignore all of them." He whispered. "That's the way to survive."
Sehun nodded and kept his gaze straight forward, not daring to make eye contact with anyone. The girls didn't seem to notice his change though, because they were still screaming in the most insane manner and shocking every teacher that stumbled upon the gathering crowd.
Sehun, your charms. Control them.
"I think you need lessons on how to behave like the Devil." Baekhyun finally said when they were rid of the girls. Thank goodness. "You're causing so much havoc here, although I think the Devil is doing the same at your place."
Suho nodded in agreement. "The best thing would be for everyone to think that Sehun's burst of abnormality is only a one time occurrence instead of it being someone else together." He frowned. "I think those lessons may be in order."
Sehun blinked. "Lessons? I don't need lessons!" He protested. "The Devil Sehun was just mean and cool and badass isn't he? I can do cool no problem." He put his second finger and thumb out and held it to his chin, raising one brow in what he considered the "cool" pose.
Chanyeol visibly shuddered and D.O. snorted without meaning to.
"You need lessons, Sehun." Sunmi patted him on the shoulder. "Desperately."
Sehun made a face and fixed his glasses. "I think I'll handle being a bad boy alright. There's tons of untold badness in me ready to burst out. Really." He nodded as if to convince himself.
Sunmi rolled her eyes and laughed softly. "First thing's first, we've got to change how you look."
Sehun puffed his cheeks and adjusted his spectacles again. "Why, don't I look good now?"
The boys looked at each other.
"You look great." Kai muttered. "Absolutely fantastic."
"I knew it!" Sehun grinned. "Man, I never knew I had to learn how to look uglier to act as the Devil."
Sunmi shook her head and smiled. Oh, Oh Sehun...

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