1. April Fools

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My head is buzzing. There's something ringing in my ears. Shut up. I open my eyes, and an excruciatingly bright flash of light makes me shut them again in pain. I swing my arm in front of my face and groan. What time is it? Hell, what day is it?

I attempt to reopen them, with my arm still covering my eyes. I slowly remove my arm as my eyes adjust to the lighting.
A string of lights is festooned on the wall in front of me. Wait... what the hell? I don't own pink lights!

I look down. These sheets aren't mine either, they're much too girly. I think I remember...

I get flashbacks of my dude Federico and me in a car. Another one of bodies dancing. People drinking. Me drinking. People cheering. People slapping me on the back. Me laughing. Some random guy passed out on the couch. Other dudes drawing on his face with a Sharpie.

Federico talking with two cute chicks. Federico inviting me over to join in. A dark girl with pink hair sending me looks. Her grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs to a dark room. Her removing her shirt.

I look to my right. There's a girl's body with her back turned to me under the sheets. She has pink hair. I sit up and rub my eyes.

I have to get out of here. My parents will be pissed once they find out I'm gone.

After searching for my clothes and putting them back on as quietly as possible, I take my phone off the nightstand and check the date and time. It's Sunday, April 1st, 9:52 a.m.

I leave the room and head down the hall towards the stairs. The hall is trashed with random plastic cups and stains on the used-to-be-nice carpet. I go down the stairs. Guess I wasn't the only one who passed out.

Just as I was about to open the front door, a thought suddenly ran through my mind. How will I get home? Federico's the one who drove me here!

I send a text to Federico asking where he is. I wait five seconds. One minute. I call him. He picks up after it rings two times.

"Yooo bro. Why are you calling me so early?" Federico yawns.

"Early? EARLY?" I shriek.

"Mmm... mom be quiet," a random voice mumbles from somewhere in the living room.

Shit. I forgot I was still in the house! I swiftly open and shut the door. It's cold outside, good thing I'm wearing my jacket.

"It's already ten dude. I need you to drive me back home." I shiver. There's silence on the other end.

"Hello? Did you hear me?"

"Huh what? Oh yeah. I think I might have left without you."

"What do you mean you THINK you left without me?"

"Oh you're gonna be so mad. I left the party early last night!" Federico began to cackle.

"You asshole!" I stomp a foot on the ground. "How the f*ck am I going to get home now?"

"Woah woah calm down bro."

"How am I supposed to calm down when-"

I hear footsteps on my right and immediately turn around. Federico is walking with a sly grin on his face.

"Happy April Fools." He hangs up and puts his phone in his pocket.

"Damn you," I mutter while shaking my head and looking at the cloudy sky.

"I can't believe you actually thought I left. That was friggin' hilarious dude." He began to laugh again and slapped his knee.

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