days of future past.

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When the team went into the future to kidnap a future dictator as a child, I couldn't get out of bed.

I was the victim of child abuse, I watched my mother die, I lived on the street for four years and have only four senses. needless to say. I've got some issues. Sometimes and it doesn't happen a lot, I can't bring myself to get out of bed. If someone tries to force me it usually ends in crying. So I spent most of the day in bed when I finally got out, I went to Mick.

"What are you doing here?" Mick growls

"Visiting my uncle, if he's still in there."

"I'm not your uncle Red."

"Yeah, you are. Even if you don't wanna be. It's my fault you're like this. My dad chose me over you, that's what started this and I'm sorry. But it doesn't have to be you or me."

"Not everything is about you Kid."

"True. But that's not what I'm saying."

"I know what you're saying, you want this big happy family, well tough luck. Snarts a selfish bastard, and I'm even worse." I walk out. I don't know what I thought I'd accomplish talking to him. I decided to look for Leo. I say Sara head to the hanger and followed behind her quietly. They started talking and I eavesdropped.

"He's made his feelings perfectly clear."

"And what about your feelings?" Sara asks.

"About you?" Wait, what? Sara and Leo had been spending a lot of time together but I didn't think. It's so perfect, the crook and the assassin.

"About Mick," Sara responds. A part of me wants to keep listening but Sara will definitely catch me, so I go to my room but run into Rip on the way.

"Miss Lock. How are you feeling?"

"I've been better. What's going on?" I ask and he gives me the rundown tween Hitler, Savage. Kidnapping.

"What are you going to do?"

"I honestly don't know. What would you do?"

"Me? I don't know, probably something dumb and impulsive. You'll do the right thing Rip. I know you will."


"Because you're a good person. You may not be nice, or cheerful but you have a kind heart. And if you need it, I'm here for you." he smiles sadly and walks towards the medbay. I go to my room and lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling.


"Yes, miss Lock?"

"Can you not call me that? I mean can I change my name."

"Of course, would you prefer Maria or Miss Snart."

"If it's just me Snart. Otherwise Maria."

"Of course, Miss Snart."

"Maria, we need you outside!" apparently Rip took the kid and was probably killing him. Savage is attacking the ship and the weapons have been destroyed so we have to do the fighting manually.

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