chapter twenty-two • the question?

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Guess who's back updating?
This girl. 😊

Excuse any errors.


Chapter 22


Free sat on the dresser of BJ's room, watching him play with his toys

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Free sat on the dresser of BJ's room, watching him play with his toys.

She came back to cerita's place since she didn't have nowhere to go.
When she got here, she was surprised to see BJ still here. She thought someone had took him.

He had asked about his mom and she lied saying she left.
But deep down, Free was nervous for her life.
She committed another crime and felt the need to give up.
She can't live this lifestyle anymore.

BJ giggled as he knock down the tower made out of Legos.
Free couldn't help but smile at how cute he was playing his toys.

Looking at BJ made her wish she had a child.
Even though she lied about having one with Bizzy, she wants to know what it feels like to be a mom and show someone little affection plus the fun.

Guess she's not going to experience that after she turns herself in jail.
Free should have live her life without the killing.
She was too depressed and upset that it didn't gave her any freedom.
But she hopes after getting help, she gets that chance.

Free jumped down from the dresser and stood on the floor, stepping over the toys and made her way towards BJ as she picked him up.

He was playing with a hot wheels car now.
Free moved her face closer to his cheek and kissed it, jumping him up and down lightly in her arms making him giggle.

He looks so much like his father, Free couldn't get over that.
He had his facial features and his hair plus personality.

"You is such a cute little man." Free cooed, giving his face a lot of kisses.

He giggled and continue to play with his car.
"I want nuggets!"
He shouted, demanding her that he wants something to eat.

Free nodded her head and walk over the toys to get out of his room walking towards the kitchen.

When they entered, she bend down to let him walk.
He run to the table, climbing on top of the chair and sitting down.

Free walks to the fridge and open to see if there was any nuggets or hotdogs.
She grabbed the bag of chicken nuggets and tater tots, placing them on the counter to cook.

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