chapter fifty-eight | meet monica.

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Brandy's head hung low as she exited the boutique. She had an interview today and they didn't offer her the job. She's been looking since last week. She thought a change was going to come for her.

Entering the parking lot of the Westfield mall, Brandy hops out and closes her door as she begins to walk. She went to the food court as she ordered her tacos and stood on the side, waiting for her order.

She looks over at her job and it made her wish if she had a second chance. Her boss can be a real pain but she made good money there.

Once her food was given to her, she found a nearby table and took a seat as she begins to eat.

"Excuse me?" A female's voice interrupts her as she stopped eating and lift her head to see a light skin girl who wore her hair down to her shoulders and had on red lipstick.

Brandy proceeds to swallow the food before speaking up.

The girl folded her lips, smirking.
"You're in my seat." She pointed where Brandy sat.

Brandy's mouth dropped as she stood up.
"I'm so sorry, I really thought no one was sitting here."

"It's ok, you can sit there." She egged as she took a seat across from her.

Brandy arched her brow.
"Are you sure? Cause I can sit somewhere else."

"Yes, I'm positive." The girl laughs as she dug in her purse, pulling out a pocket mirror.

Brandy stood still. She was indecisive on whether she should sit or move. But she is surprise that this stranger didn't go off on her about it.

She slowly took a seat and look at the girl before looking away, proceeding to eat the rest of her tacos.

"You shy huh? No need, I'm not the type to bite." The girl assures, smiling.

She then reaches her hand across the table for her to shake.
"I'm Monica."

Brandy looks at the girl hand then her.
"Brandy." She smirks, shaking her hand.

"Like the wine? That is so pretty."
Monica acknowledges as Brandy giggled.

"I never knew I was named after a beverage. I've always thought my parents were unique." Brandy shrugs her shoulders, taking a sip of her drink.

"Are you new around here?" Brandy asked. She haven't seen her around here before.

"Yes, yes I am. I'm from Atlanta and came to Cali when I was offered a job at a popular beauty supply store in Baldwin Hills."
Monica replies.

"Ooh, that's cool. Welcome to California and is the beauty supply store still hiring?" Brandy ask, she was still desperate for a job.

Monica frowns.
"Sadly, not anymore. Why? You looking to work?"

Brandy nods.
"Minutes ago, I just left the boutique. I thought they we're going to hire me but ended up not giving me a job."

"That's messed up, really. You want me to help?" Monica asked.

Brandy smiles.
"Nah, I'm going to continue until I get a yes. I should go over there to my old job and beg my boss to hire me again."

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