chapter sixty-one | I'm foreal with the feels.

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(Excuse any mistakes!)


Charlotte stood in front of her dresser mirror as she checks out her fit. She wore her bustier with a black skirt and black wedges. It wasn't nothing special and she couldn't change into another outfit. Tyree might be close by.

"Hey girl— oooh! Don't you look pretty!" Aaliyah complimented, smiling from ear to ear.

Charlotte turns around as her cheeks reddened.
"Don't start with me, I ain't nothing like you."

Aaliyah smacks her lips and enters her bedroom, taking a seat at the edge of her bed.

"Don't down yourself like that. You know you're very beautiful girl." Aaliyah told her.

It was the truth that Aaliyah is extremely attractive.

With those features she was blessed with, she should have did modelling instead of working at a jewelry store. But Charlotte took the compliment instead of doubting herself. She knows her best friend hates that.

Charlotte smiled a bit and sprays perfume around her neck + chest area.

Placing the bottle down, she walk over to grab her purse and went back over to her mirror again to check herself one more time.

Aaliyah laughs.
"Girl, you look fine."

"I just want to make sure I look perfect." Charlotte scrunches up her face and shook her head. "Since he isn't here yet, I should change into something else."

She hurries off to her closet and look for another fit. So far, she couldn't find anything. She is this close to cancelling her evening with Tyree.

"Lo, I'm telling you. You look fine and if Tyree sees you in that, I bet he will be thinking the same thing." Aaliyah stood behind her friend, placing her hand on her shoulder.

Charlotte continues to look knowing she can't find nothing else. She childishly stomps and folded her arms across her chest. Suddenly, a horn honk outside.

Her eyes widened when she turn her head to Aaliyah.
"Oh my God, he's here! No!"

Charlotte runs out of her bedroom and into the living room. Pulling the curtain a bit back, she spotted Tyree sitting in his luxurious car. Thankfully he didn't see since he was busy looking into his phone.

Charlotte turns around and sees Aaliyah standing there with her purse in her hand. She held it up.
"You look fine, Lo."

She smirks as Charlotte returns a frown.

Walking up, she retrieved her purse and Aaliyah gave her a big hug.
"Come on now, Lo. Smile. You're about to have fun with your friend."

Aaliyah said.

Charlotte sighs. Even though she didn't want to, she had in the sakes of it.

Charlotte steps out of the house after telling her best friend to give a kiss on the cheek for her daughter. She walks up to his car and can hear funk music playing from the inside.

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