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It's raining.


He didn't bring an umbrella.


Yoongi wonders why he never bothers bringing an umbrella though he clearly knew it was going to rain that afternoon. It's April, the middle of the rainy season, clearly a sign but his stupid ass went and got lazy to lug an umbrella around.

He puts his hood on and takes a few steps back, shoving his backpack on top of his head. He crouches down, angling his body just so to make sure he's balanced on his feet, then with a bounce of his foot he-

"Don't tell me you're going to run like that," he hears a snicker behind him, "Naruto."

Another snicker.

Yoongi turns around, pissed off, his concentration and perfect posture ruined by the unwelcome commentator. He's tall with shaggy black hair and bangs overflowing past his eyes. This guy looks new around here, obvious given how he had the guts to talk like that to the Min Yoongi. Nobody talks like that to him unless they want the balls they grew to talk to him get burned off.

He can't help but notice that the guy looks like one of those mushrooms from Mario, just a dark, black version from some alternate universe.

With great difficulty he bites back a laugh, imagining the power-up sound.

"At least I know how to do some running, how about you, chicken legs?" Yoongi replies with a smirk, wiping the grin off the mushroom guy's face. He basks in the heat of that fire he just spit at this unknowing stranger.

He shoots a bitch you thot look at him.

"Oh, you can actually run with those noodles?" The intruder tries, but Yoongi shrugs it off, knowing otherwise. His thighs are far from noodles, he's done enough basketball to know so.

"Get your eyes checked," he says, scoffing at the weak remark, "you clearly haven't seen my thighs in action."

The other rolls his eyes and Yoongi grins. That's the clear sign he's won that battle.

"And to think I was going to offer you my umbrella," the mushroom says and flips his hair with a toss of his head, and Yoongi's grin fades a little.

Oh shit.

He immediately regrets his actions but he just finds so hard to not serve justice where justice is due. His mouth has a mind of its own though and thinks otherwise.

"Wouldn't want to be seen with a mushroom and chicken combo meal anyway," Yoongi flashes a wink at the guy, frozen in place with the comment, and runs into the rain.

The taller one stays and blinks hard, going over the last thing the wannabe Naruto said to him.

Did this shortie just call me a snack?

little bitch ;; y.j.Where stories live. Discover now