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This is a pretty nice place, was what Seokjin thought at first, admiring the cute little pots that held small flowers and other plants which lined the terrace along the walkway to Yoongi's apartment. The view's pretty too; the apartment building was built on the side of a mountain, overlooking valleys and trees and greenery, away from the concrete and glass jungle he's used to.

Then he rang the doorbell.

"Ring ding dong ring ding dong ring diggi ding diggi ding ding ding-" 

  "WHAT'S WITH YOUR STUPID DOORBELL?" He yelled at the closed door with a huff.  

He believes he's good at controlling his emotions, having learned to restrain himself and keep to the sidelines with how quick his mom is to anger, but his fuse gets cut every time he meets this guy.

They've literally only had about two or three conversations; how is his patience so thin already?

All he wanted was a nice, normal day; maybe play Overwatch for a few hours, look at some fluffy animals on Instagram, watch a cooking video on YouTube. Was it so hard for the universe to give him some time alone in the house without having to deal with an irritating shortie?

Sitting down with the boy now, trying to work on their music project, had cooled his temper a bit. It isn't too horrible an apartment and they're making considerable progress.

Who am I kidding? Seokjin thought to himself, Definitely not me.

The two spent the last hour fighting over what genre of music the song should be, Seokjin arguing for acoustic and Yoongi for hip hop. The former hates hip hop, with all its profanity and hatred and shouting- he likes things that goes down easy and make the heart feel light while the latter disagrees- he lives for this kind of gritty music and finds the soft, happy stuff fake.

"You hate hip hop because it's real," Yoongi said  with the air that he knew better than Seokjin, "you don't like how it describes you without a filter."

He scoffed at that, wondering how all the shouting and unrefined instrumental and vocals would ever relate to him. 

"No, you're just weird," he replied with a deadpan.

Strangely enough, the other grinned instead of offering another annoying comeback, and with a shrug said, "Is being different really an insult?"

Seokjin, unable to say anything in response, just huffed and turned his head up and away to ignore his comment.

"Whatever, let's just finish it," he said, and hoped they would end it today so he wouldn't have to see his face again.

It's already nearly eight in the evening and they still haven't agreed on anything.

"I have to go," Seokjin says when he notices the time. Yoongi nods and gets up to show him out.

"So, same time tomorrow?" The smaller boy asks, eyebrows up and eyes filled with boredom and irritation.

Same here, he wanted to say, same here

He didn't want to be his partner either, Seokjin could tell.

All he does is give a barely discernible nod, then turns to leave.

"Hey, wait!" Yoongi says as he exits, and when he looks back around he sees the other fumbling with his shoes by the doorway.

"What?" Seokjin questions, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice. If he gets on the train fast enough, he could still have time to sleep when he gets to the tutorial center.

"I'll walk you there, it's dangerous around here at night," is all the shorter boy says.

He's surprised at how what he once thought is an inconsiderate ingrate is actually a very caring person.

"It's only because I think you'd be the first thing people would rob around here," he continues, "with your fancy shirt and Ala Carte vibe."

"It's  À la carte dimwit."

Yoongi's making it really hard for Seokjin to like him.


hey so this is how they looked like in high school

hey so this is how they looked like in high school

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*so yoongs went and did this cute af photoshoot

he's my ultimate bias but do I care about him not being straight

hA NOPE why should I

none of us should care, just saying


now he's so thin ;-;

ok but damn those hands

*and this sassy prince went on an exchange student program to australia

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*and this sassy prince went on an exchange student program to australia

yeah, heir of a company right there who worked hard to make his dream real instead of going the easy way

he looks so done with life tho

"I'm here against my will"

> when I wake up in the morning

I relate with him on a spiritual level

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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