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"Fuck you," he harmonizes the best he can with the instrumentals- the intermittent, abrupt piano and slow, jazzy drum. He sounds like a chain smoker when he sings on good days, and today's one of his good days, so he 's in the mood to record some vocals.

Fuck you,

And you,

And you too

He continues, then pauses to stop recording. 

"Perfect," he mutters to himself, then turns away to edit a few things on the desktop. After moving a few bars and chords around, layering his recent recording over the beats, he replays what he has so far.

Man high school's weird

With all the masks and all the lying

Stupid superficial noses 

Turned way up

To the top

Never leaving without makeup

They're made up

To look down

On the rest of this crap town

Acting like they own

The whole world

With the shit that they type

On their damn phones

Hiding behind fake personalities

They should  tone

It way down 

Stop using their baby fingers as guns-

"ring ding dong ring ding dong ring diggi ding diggi ding ding ding-" he hears over the speakers.


Yoongi grins to himself.

It's Chicken Mushroom Combo.

With a huff he gets off his chair, glancing at the time. His smile fades.

8:30 A.M. it reads in bright red.

I'm awake too early on a Saturday, he whines to himself and gets the door.

A change of plans had been made and they agreed to meet at his place instead of in front of the school so they could start recording. Seokjin decided on the time, forcing Yoongi into waking up that early just so he won't miss his violin lessons later on in the afternoon. 

It's so hard being with these rich people, he sighs.

And that's why a very annoyed Mushroom is standing on his doorstep, tapping his foot impatiently and dressed like he's headed for golf at the country club. Yoongi legitimately never knew it was possible for someone to wear a white polo and pressed jeans outside a fancy polo game. Or Beverly Hills. 

"Switched out the doorbell sound and you wouldn't know good music even if it hits your future children," he replies simply as Mushroom walks in, "looks like Chicken Mushroom Combo got upgraded to Chicken Mushroom Combo Ala Carte."

Mushroom narrows his eyes at Yoongi, who just shrugs and chuckles.

"You are an idiot who can't even use that simple word right," he rolls his eyes, "it can't be a combo if it's à la carte. A combo has fries and everything and à la carte is solo."

Yoongi doesn't get it but tries to hide it, so he laughs instead.

"So you admit that you're a mushroom who has chicken legs," he says with a wink, agitating the other more.

"That's not what I'm saying-" Mushroom starts but is cut off by a wave of Yoongi's hand. 

"Whatever Mushroom, let's just start," he says, then walks over to his work station, plopping back onto his fluffy chair. He reaches for a stool nearby. 

"Sit and let's try shit out."

little bitch ;; y.j.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora